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The Discovery of Mesolithic Red Deer at Skipsea Withow
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00844276.2018.1481675
Sheila Cadman 1 , Becky Knight 2 , Ben Elliott 2 , Tim Schadla-Hall 3 , Harry K. Robson 2 , Nicky Milner 2

Abstract Skipsea Withow is well known for producing a barbed point and faunal remains, thought to date to the Early Mesolithic period, over a century ago. More recently bones were recovered from the eroding cliff face and have been analysed. Although it was considered that they might be elk (Alces alces) due to their large size, it was demonstrated that they are red deer (Cervus elaphus). Further examination suggested that they represent two individuals of slightly different ages. They have been dated to the Early Mesolithic period and the dates overlap with those obtained from the well-known site of Star Carr, located further north in the Vale of Pickering. It is considered unlikely that the red deer bones from Skipsea Withow represent two natural deaths on the edge of the mere, and it is possible that they are the remains of humanly deposited bones; a practice seen at Star Carr.


在 Skipsea Withow 发现中石器时代的马鹿

摘要 Skipsea Withow 以生产带刺点和动物群遗骸而闻名,据信可以追溯到一个多世纪前的中石器时代早期。最近,人们从侵蚀的悬崖面恢复了骨骼,并对其进行了分析。虽然由于它们的体型较大,人们认为它们可能是麋鹿 (Alces alces),但已证明它们是马鹿 (Cervus elaphus)。进一步的检查表明,他们代表了两个年龄略有不同的人。它们的年代可以追溯到中石器时代早期,并且日期与从著名的 Star Carr 遗址获得的日期重叠,该遗址位于皮克林谷的更北端。来自 Skipsea Withow 的马鹿骨头不太可能代表两个自然死亡的边缘,它们有可能是人类沉积的骨头的残骸;在 Star Carr 看到的一种做法。