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Excavations at Marne Barracks, Catterick, North Yorkshire, SE 254 970
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00844276.2017.1333350
Stephen J. Sherlock

Abstract This report concerns an excavation at Marne Barracks, Catterick, North Yorkshire, undertaken in the summer of 2015. The excavations were part of Operation Nightingale, working with Tri-Service personnel participating in archaeological projects on military bases. Six trenches were examined; two had scant remains and one trench exposed and sampled part of a substantial 20 m-diameter ring ditch. This was part of a Bronze Age burial mound and a radiocarbon date of 3223 ± 29 BP was obtained from material associated with the infilling of the ditch. The main focus of the excavation was around a Romano-British building first discovered in 1939. Excavations in 2015 re-exposed part of this fourth-century AD building and extended the outline of the structure to the south as well as discovering two Anglo-Saxon skeletons. The skeletons, like others from the immediate area, are dated to the sixth century AD.


Marne Barracks, Catterick, North Yorkshire, SE 254 970 的挖掘

摘要 本报告涉及 2015 年夏季在北约克郡卡特里克马恩军营进行的挖掘。挖掘是南丁格尔行动的一部分,与参与军事基地考古项目的三军人员合作。检查了六个战壕;两个遗迹很少,一个沟渠暴露并取样了一个直径为 20 米的环形沟渠的一部分。这是青铜时代墓地的一部分,从与填埋沟渠相关的材料中获得了 3223 ± 29 BP 的放射性碳日期。发掘的主要焦点是 1939 年首次发现的罗马-英国建筑。 2015 年的发掘重新暴露了这座公元四世纪建筑的一部分,并将该结构的轮廓向南延伸,并发现了两座盎格鲁-撒克逊建筑骷髅。骷髅,