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Theological Objections to a Metaphysicalist Interpretation of Creation
Theology and Science ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14746700.2020.1755545
Joseph Hannon

ABSTRACT It has been argued that divine creation should be understood solely in a metaphysical and theological sense, and not within the context of modern cosmology and biology. In this way, any conflict between science and religion is totally avoided. William Carroll is a scholar of Aquinas who has justified this position, citing arguments made by Thomas, specifically that creation does not involve change. Here, I argue that this is a major distortion of Aquinas’ views and that the ontology of creation formulated is fundamentally incoherent.



摘要有人认为,神的创造应仅从形而上学和神学的意义上理解,而不应在现代宇宙论和生物学的背景下理解。这样,完全避免了科学与宗教之间的任何冲突。威廉·卡洛尔(William Carroll)是阿奎那(Aquinas)的学者,他引用托马斯(Thomas)的论点证明了这一立场,特别是创造不涉及改变。在这里,我认为这是对阿奎那观点的主要歪曲,并且所提出的创造本体论从根本上是不一致的。