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Biological Mutualism and Theology of Nature
Theology and Science ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14746700.2020.1755531
Ted Peters

Nature is blood “red in tooth and claw.” Right? That’s what Alfred Lord Tennyson said in 1850. And, Darwin agreed in 1859. Right? We at CTNS put together an entire book predicated on evolution as violent, as blood red in tooth and claw. What if it turns out that nature is actually nice? What if it turns out that highminded altruism and even neighbor-love has been bequeathed to human civilization by evolution? Might this change our outlook? For two plus years now Andrew Davison, a professor of Theology and Science at Cambridge University, has been fishing in the pond of biological mutualism. He has caught something on his line. “The phenomenon of mutualism—of mutually beneficial cooperation between organisms of different species—has come to a remarkable new prominence in the study of biology.” Davison reports on this catch in the lead article of this issue’s theme, “Biological Mutualism and Theology of Nature.” Is this just a fish story? An exaggeration? No, says Davison and his author colleagues. Can we theologians learn from nature? Yes, we can. At least according to Davison. “In theology, mutualism has bearing on many fronts.” In his concluding essay, Davison tells us that theologians can learn from



大自然是“牙齿和爪子都红了”的血液。正确的?这就是阿尔弗雷德·坦尼森勋爵在1850年所说的。而且,达尔文在1859年同意了。我们CTNS整理了一整本书,以进化为暴力,如牙齿和爪子上的血红色。如果事实证明大自然实际上是美好的呢?如果事实证明,崇高的利他主义乃至邻居之爱已被进化遗赠给人类文明?这会改变我们的看法吗?剑桥大学神学与科学教授安德鲁·戴维森(Andrew Davison)从事生物共生的池塘已经有两年多了。他钓到了东西。“互惠现象-不同物种的生物之间的互利合作-已经在生物学研究中崭露头角。”戴维森(Davison)在本期主题“生物互惠主义与自然神学”的第一篇文章中对此作了报道。这只是鱼的故事吗?夸张吗?不,戴维森和他的作者同事说。我们神学家可以向自然学习吗?我们可以。至少根据戴维森的说法。“在神学上,互惠主义在许多方面都有关系。” 戴维森在结论中告诉我们,神学家可以从中学习