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The two starting points of World War II: a reexamination from a global perspective
Journal of Modern Chinese History ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17535654.2016.1168164
Haipeng Zhang

ABSTRACT Although the factual chronology of World War II is not in dispute, how to best make sense of these facts and how to objectively evaluate that history have always been limited by political circumstances and personal biases. Viewing WWII seven decades later, we need to move away from Eurocentrism and to stop seeing the war from the prism of a European war or Pacific war. The entire history of WWII, from beginning to end, including its several phases characterized by fermentation, outbreak, climax, and conclusion, is extremely complex. This paper argues that the war has two origins or starting points because it resulted from disparate prewar conditions in Europe and Asia. Viewed from this perspective, the strategic importance of the China Theater in WWII and the enormous sacrifices and contributions the Chinese people made to the victory over Fascism and for world peace ought to be given due credit.



摘要 虽然二战的事实年表没有争议,但如何最好地理解这些事实以及如何客观地评价这段历史,一直受到政治环境和个人偏见的限制。回顾七十年后的二战,我们需要摆脱欧洲中心主义,停止从欧洲战争或太平洋战争的角度看待这场战争。二战的整个历史,从开始到结束,包括发酵、爆发、高潮、结束的几个阶段,都是极其复杂的。本文认为,这场战争有两个起源或起点,因为它是由欧洲和亚洲不同的战前条件造成的。从这个角度来看,