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Inverse Linking, Possessive Weak Definites and Haddock Descriptions: A Unified Dependent Type Account
Journal of Logic, Language and Information ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10849-019-09280-9
Justyna Grudzińska , Marek Zawadowski

This paper proposes a unified dependent type analysis of three puzzling phenomena: inversely linked interpretations, weak definite readings in possessives and Haddock-type readings. We argue that the three problematic readings have the same underlying surface structure, and that the surface structure postulated can be interpreted properly and compositionally using dependent types. The dependent type account proposed is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to formally connect the three phenomena. A further advantage of our proposal over previous analyses is that it offers a principled solution to the puzzle of why both inversely linked interpretations and weak definite readings (in contrast to Haddock-type readings) are blocked with certain prepositions.


