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Caudillos, democracy, and constitutionalism in mid nineteenth-century Argentina
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-03 , DOI: 10.1080/14701847.2020.1789378
Eduardo Zimmermann 1

ABSTRACT Since the early years of Independence, through the failed constitutional projects of 1819 and 1826, and culminating in the 1853 Constitutional Convention of 1853, the River Plate provinces witnessed a varied number of juridical and political debates on the status of democracy and its different meanings: as an expression of social forces announcing the dawn of a new form of social organization; as an ideal of representative government that was to accompany the transition from monarchical to republican forms of government; and as a number of possible electoral regimes and technical solutions to the problem of representation. On the other hand, constitutionalism promised not only a way of structuring the new governments but also the adoption of the idea of individual rights as an ideological foundation for the new liberal regimes, and a project to transcend the inorganic rule of provincial caudillos. This paper explores the different languages in which nineteenth-century Argentine constitutionalism was shaped, through an analysis of political and constitutional debates and the writings of many of the actors of the period, taking into account the ways in which the conflictive context of independence, civil wars, national unification, and state building delineated a particular conception of liberal constitutionalism.



摘要自独立初期以来,通过 1819 年和 1826 年失败的立宪计划,并在 1853 年的制宪会议中达到高潮,河床各省见证了关于民主地位及其不同含义的各种司法和政治辩论。 :作为一种社会力量的表达,宣告了一种新的社会组织形式的曙光;作为代议制政府的理想,伴随着从君主政体到共和政体的过渡;以及一些可能的选举制度和代表问题的技术解决方案。另一方面,立宪主义不仅承诺了一种构建新政府的方式,而且还承诺采用个人权利的理念作为新自由主义政权的意识形态基础,以及一个超越省级考迪洛无机规则的项目。本文通过对政治和宪法辩论以及该时期许多参与者的著作的分析,探讨了塑造 19 世纪阿根廷立宪主义的不同语言,同时考虑了独立、公民和政治的冲突背景的方式。战争、国家统一和国家建设描绘了自由宪政的特殊概念。