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Participatory action research as political education
Action Learning: Research and Practice ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14767333.2020.1712839
Éva Tessza Udvarhelyi 1

ABSTRACT In this paper, I discuss participatory action research (PAR) as a way to support social and political engagement and develop civil society. After a short overview of my personal journey to participatory action research, I describe a general structure that I have developed for organizing PAR projects and a short introduction to the state of civil society in Hungary. I then summarize three PAR projects in Budapest between 2011 and 2018. All three revolved around the issue of affordable and adequate housing and were designed as part of the movement for the right to housing in Hungary. The paper concludes with some of the most important implications I drew from this work regarding the development of civil society and critical consciousness.



摘要 在本文中,我将参与式行动研究 (PAR) 作为一种支持社会和政治参与以及发展公民社会的方式进行讨论。在简要概述了我个人参与式行动研究的旅程之后,我描述了我为组织 PAR 项目而开发的一般结构,并简要介绍了匈牙利公民社会的状况。然后,我总结了 2011 年至 2018 年在布达佩斯的三个 PAR 项目。所有三个项目都围绕着负担得起的和足够的住房问题,并作为匈牙利住房权运动的一部分而设计。这篇论文的结论是我从这项工作中得出的一些关于公民社会和批判意识发展的最重要的影响。