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Barriers to positive outcomes in treating patients at risk of suicide in Aotearoa/New Zealand: perspectives from ‘positively inclined’ clinicians
Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-13 , DOI: 10.1080/1177083x.2020.1856148
Tess S. E. Soulié 1 , William M. M. Levack 2 , Elliot M. Bell 2, 3


In light of Government endeavours to transform New Zealand’s (NZ) mental health system and services, this short communication reports on secondary qualitative data on barriers to positive outcomes in treatment of patients at risk for suicide (PRS) from the unique multi-disciplinary perspective of 12 positively inclined clinicians. According to grounded theory, interview data were collected and analysed iteratively until we reached data saturation. We present these data in two categories, distal barriers, that is those emanating from the context of practice, and proximal barriers, that is those emanating from clinicians themselves. Overall, the 12 clinicians interviewed converged in describing experiencing the NZ mental health system as interfering rather than supporting their clinical endeavours with PRS, and NZ clinical training as partially failing to prepare them for clinical suicidology. Despite limitations due to the secondary nature of these data, this short communication provides insights into the subjective experience of positively inclined clinicians, a unique professional group, in relation to a health challenge of national importance, and invites consideration that positively inclined clinicians might represent a valuable source of information in relation to improving suicidal patients’ care in NZ.




鉴于政府为改变新西兰(NZ)精神卫生系统和服务而做出的努力,本简短的交流报道了从独特的多学科角度对治疗自杀风险患者(PRS)取得积极成果的障碍的二次定性数据。 12位积极倾斜的临床医生。根据扎根的理论,对访谈数据进行收集和迭代分析,直到达到数据饱和为止。我们将这些数据分为两类,远端障碍(即从实践中产生的障碍)和近端障碍(即从临床医生本身产生的障碍)。总体而言,接受采访的12位临床医生认为,体验NZ心理健康系统是在干扰而不是支持他们的PRS临床研究,和NZ临床培训,因为部分未能使他们做好临床自杀学的准备。尽管由于这些数据的次要性质而受到限制,但这种简短的交流提供了对积极倾斜的临床医生(一个独特的专业团队)在国家重要性健康挑战方面的主观经验的见解,并请您考虑到积极倾斜的临床医生可能代表了一个重要的挑战。有关改善新西兰自杀患者护理的宝贵信息来源。
