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Understanding the Power of Social Media during COVID-19: Forming Social Norms for Drinking among Sexual Minority Gender Expansive College Women
Journal of Homosexuality ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-11 , DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2020.1868183
Alison Cerezo 1 , Amaranta Ramirez 1 , Tiffany O’Shaughnessy 2 , Adriana Sanchez 1 , Samantha Mattis 1 , Andrea Ross 1


Social media serves as a key mechanism for sexual minority young adults to connect with peers and to learn about COVID-19. We utilized focus groups to explore how sexual minority gender expansive college women (N= 28) engage with social media, including alcohol-related content on social networking sites. Two focus groups were held in-person during the month before the campus closed on March 10, 2020 due to a shelter-in-place mandate. Focus groups were then moved online, and also assessed how engagement with social media, including alcohol-related content, changed in response to COVID-19 at one month and two months into shelter-in-place. Using social media to connect with sexual and gender minority (SGM) content and community was a prominent theme across the three cohorts of data collection. Social drinking via social networking sites became increasingly prominent during shelter-in-place as a way to combat isolation, boredom, and the general stress of coping with COVID-19.




社交媒体是性少数年轻人与同伴建立联系并了解COVID-19的关键机制。我们利用焦点小组来探讨性少数群体如何扩大大学女性(N= 28)与社交媒体互动,包括社交网站上与酒精相关的内容。由于就地避难所的要求,在校园于2020年3月10日关闭之前的一个月内,亲自举行了两个焦点小组讨论。然后,焦点小组转移到了网上,还评估了与社交媒体(包括与酒精相关的内容)的互动如何随着COVID-19的响应而在一个月和两个月内转变为就地庇护所。使用社交媒体与性少数和性别少数群体(SGM)的内容和社区建立联系是三个数据收集群组的突出主题。在就地避难所中,通过社交网站进行社交饮酒变得日益重要,这是一种对抗孤立,无聊和应对COVID-19的普遍压力的方法。
