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Hope for a stronger discipline of marketing
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-28 , DOI: 10.1080/21639159.2020.1785914
Mark Peterson 1, 2 , Heejung Park 1


To a new generation of marketing scholars, Shelby Hunt might be identified with Resource-Advantage (RA) Theory, marketing theory books, or philosophy of science debates from the 1980s. This article intends to put Hunt’s publishing efforts into a richer perspective for the reader. The outcome of Hunt’s works has strengthened the marketing discipline and allowed it to avoid being taken over by neighboring disciplines in business academia, such as management. The article first offers an overview of Hunt’s works and what characterizes his body of work that should matter to marketing scholars. This article then focuses on some of Hunt’s macromarketing and ethics contributions to highlight how his work in these areas has boosted the efforts of other scholars in the process of knowledge creation. The article closes with some thoughts on future research possibilities within the marketing discipline that are now warranted.




对于新一代的营销学者来说,谢尔比·亨特(Shelby Hunt)可能会被资源优势(RA)理论,营销理论书籍或1980年代的科学哲学辩论所认同。本文旨在使Hunt的出版工作为读者提供更丰富的视角。亨特作品的成果加强了营销纪律,并使其避免被商业学术界的相邻学科接管,例如管理。本文首先概述了亨特的作品,以及对亨特的作品有何特点,这对市场营销学者来说应该很重要。然后,本文重点介绍了亨特在宏观营销和道德方面的一些贡献,以突出他在这些领域的工作如何在知识创造过程中促进了其他学者的努力。
