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Preservice early childhood teachers’ sense of efficacy for teaching children with autism spectrum disorder
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-31 , DOI: 10.1080/10901027.2020.1806152
Corinne Gaffney Catalano 1 , Helenrose Fives 1 , Eileen McKeating 1 , Nicole Barnes 1


Teachers’ sense of efficacy refers to the beliefs held by teachers (pre-service and practicing) for completing the tasks associated with teaching. This belief is bound by the nature of tasks which includes, but is not limited to, the content, students, and context that frame teachers’ practice. In this investigation, we explored 25 pre-service early childhood teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching children with autism in inclusive settings as they participated in a course on the nature of ASD. Participants reported changes in their perceptions of ASD and of children diagnosed with ASD and they attributed their change in understanding to lessons learned from course activities. In addition, participants’ self-efficacy for teaching and self-efficacy for teaching children diagnosed with ASD in inclusive settings increased over the course of the intervention.




教师的效能感是指教师(职前和实践)为完成与教学相关的任务所持有的信念。这种信念受到任务性质的约束,包括但不限于构成教师实践的内容、学生和背景。在这项调查中,我们探讨了 25 名职前幼儿教师在参与有关 ASD 本质的课程时在包容性环境中教授自闭症儿童的自我效能感。参与者报告了他们对 ASD 和被诊断患有 ASD 的儿童的看法发生了变化,他们将理解的变化归因于从课程活动中吸取的教训。此外,
