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The Role of Gender Ideology in Consumers’ Reception of Ads Featuring Stay-at-home Dads
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-29 , DOI: 10.1080/10641734.2020.1781713
Harsha Gangadharbatla 1 , Deepti Khedekar 2


The number of men choosing to stay at home to be the primary caregivers for their children is on the rise. Historically, advertising has reflected, reinforced and hastened the pace of societal change. With increase in stay-at-home dads (SAHDs), there is also an increase in the ads featuring them. Based on Congruity Theory and Gender Role Ideologies as theoretical framework and an experimental method (3 X 2 factorial design), the current study tests the differences in consumers’ reception of ads featuring both men and women in primary caregiving roles. Results indicate that attitudes toward the ad and brand are a function of both exposure to the ad and individuals’ views on gender roles (i.e., gender ideology) such that individuals with egalitarian views of gender rated the brand and the ad featuring a dad as more favorable than the group with traditionalist views. Similarly, individuals with traditionalist views of gender rated the brand and ad featuring a mom more favorably than the group with egalitarian views of gender. Implications are drawn.




选择留在家中作为孩子主要照料者的人数正在增加。从历史上看,广告已经反映,加强并加快了社会变革的步伐。随着全职父亲(SAHD)的增多,以他们为中心的广告也有所增加。基于一致性理论和性别角色意识形态作为理论框架和一种实验方法(3 X 2因子设计),本研究测试了消费者在主要护理角色中包含男性和女性的广告的接收差异。结果表明,对广告和品牌的态度既取决于广告的曝光量,也取决于个人对性别角色的看法(即,性别意识形态),这样具有平等性别观念的人对品牌和带有父亲的广告的评价要比具有传统主义观念的人群更好。同样,具有传统主义性别观念的人给品牌和广告打上妈妈的印象,而不是具有平等观念的群体。暗示。
