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Toward a theory of media priming
Annals of the International Communication Association Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1080/23808985.2020.1815232
Jennifer Hoewe 1

ABSTRACT This manuscript puts forth a theory of media priming, where media priming occurs when information from media content is utilized outside the media consumer’s awareness. The media consumer is influenced by a specific aspect of that media content (i.e. a prime), but they are unable to mentally trace the source of said influence. Media priming operates entirely within System 1 processing (fast, automatic, and with little effort) and should only include effects of a prime that are beyond the conscious awareness of the media consumer. Potentially operating through System 2 processing (slow, controlled, and with greater effort), ‘political priming’ may constitute a different phenomenon that examines the impact of information processed and applied within the media consumer’s awareness.



摘要 这篇手稿提出了一种媒体启动理论,当媒体内容中的信息在媒体消费者的意识之外被利用时,媒体启动就会发生。媒体消费者受到该媒体内容的特定方面(即素数)的影响,但他们无法在心理上追踪所述影响的来源。媒体启动完全在系统 1 处理中运行(快速、自动且毫不费力),并且应仅包括超出媒体消费者意识范围的启动效果。潜在地通过系统 2 处理(缓慢、受控且更加努力)运行,“政治启动”可能构成一种不同的现象,它检查在媒体消费者意识中处理和应用的信息的影响。