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Angelaki ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/0969725x.2021.1863588
Patrick Roney

Abstract This essay attempts to interrogate the distinct character of Peter Sloterdijk’s declaration of the absolute imperative that concludes his work, You Must Change Your Life, by contextualizing it within the development of his notion of anthropotechnics. In particular, the essays examine the claim that his is a new and unprecedented form of the absolute imperative that is alone able to address, in an effective way, the contemporary global crises that are confronting us now. The first sections trace out the ways in which this new imperative differs from previous forms of the imperative, including the categorical, the aesthetic, and the existential-ontological. The latter sections then discuss how the new form of the imperative is connected to Sloterdijk’s radical attempt at a rethinking of the essence of the human as always already technological, which is the very project of anthropotechnics. This leads finally to a discussion of Sloterdijk’s polemical engagement with Heidegger’s question concerning technology, in which I trace out his attempt at a sweeping translation of Heidegger’s notion of enframing [Gestell] into enhousing [Gehäuse] and the consequences thereof.



摘要 本文试图通过将彼得·斯洛特戴克 (Peter Sloterdijk) 的著作《你必须改变你的生活》(You Must Change Your Life) 置于其人类技术概念发展过程中的语境,来质疑其在作品《你必须改变你的生活》(You Must Change Your Life) 中所宣称的绝对必要性的独特特征。特别是,这些文章审查了这样一种说法,即他是绝对命令的一种新的和前所未有的形式,只有它能够以有效的方式解决我们现在面临的当代全球危机。第一部分勾勒出这个新命令与先前命令形式的不同之处,包括范畴的、美学的和存在论的。后面的部分然后讨论命令的新形式如何与 Sloterdijk 重新思考人类本质的激进尝试联系起来,因为它总是已经是技术性的,这正是人类技术的项目。这最终导致了对 Sloterdijk 与海德格尔有关技术的问题的争论性参与的讨论,其中我追溯了他试图将海德格尔将 [Gestell] 框定为 [Gehäuse] 的概念及其后果的彻底翻译。