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Angelaki ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/0969725x.2021.1863593
Andrea Rossi

Abstract Building and expanding on Peter Sloterdijk’s work, in this essay I explore the interrelation between anthropotechnics qua practice of the self and the political sphere, with a view, in particular, to providing a genealogy of some of its recent developments. I first analyse the birth of anthropotechnics within the framework of the axial revolution (Karl Jaspers), as withdrawal and return to a common world bereft of certainty and self-evidence (section 2). Next, I show how the rise of asceticism shaped some of the central problematiques of classical politics and, in particular, political agonism and metaphysics, the latter here understood as a geometrical theory of political order (section 3). Against this background, I discuss how modern anthropotechniques have altered the classical relation between individual askesis and collective security, and how this, in turn, has paved the way for a certain understanding of self-mobilisation to saturate the government of the self in the twenty-first century (section 4).



摘要 在 Peter Sloterdijk 工作的基础上建立和扩展,在这篇文章中,我探讨了作为自我实践的人类技术与政治领域之间的相互关系,特别是为了提供其近期发展的谱系。我首先分析了轴向革命框架内人类技术的诞生(卡尔·雅斯贝尔斯),作为撤回并返回到一个缺乏确定性和不证自明的共同世界(第 2 部分)。接下来,我将展示禁欲主义的兴起如何塑造古典政治的一些核心问题,特别是政治对抗和形而上学,后者在这里被理解为政治秩序的几何理论(第 3 部分)。在此背景下,