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Segmentation based on gastronomic motivations in a coastal destination
Anatolia ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2021.1879183
Mauricio Carvache-Franco 1 , Orly Carvache-Franco 2 , Miguel Orden-Mejía 3 , Diana Zambrano-Conforme 3 , Wilmer Carvache-Franco 4


The objectives of the present study are: i) to identify the segments of tourism demand, based on gastronomic motivations in coastal destinations, and ii) to find the relationship between demand segments and satisfaction and service variables. The investigation was carried out in General Villamil Playas city, a renowned coastal destination in Ecuador. Factor analysis and the K-means clustering method were used to analyze the data. The findings show three segments: “Enjoyers,” highly motivated to eat typical seafood dishes on the beach. “Survivors,” with low motivations for all variables, and who consider local gastronomy only a means to satisfy a physiological need. The third “Experimenters,” have high motivations for all motivational variables and believe that gastronomy, in general, is very important.




本研究的目标是:i)根据沿海目的地的美食动机确定旅游需求的细分,以及 ii)找到需求细分与满意度和服务变量之间的关系。调查是在厄瓜多尔著名的沿海目的地维拉米尔普拉亚斯将军城进行的。采用因子分析和K-means聚类方法对数据进行分析。调查结果显示了三个部分:“享受者”,在海滩上吃典型的海鲜菜肴的积极性很高。“幸存者”,对所有变量的动机都很低,并且认为当地美食只是满足生理需求的一种手段。第三个“实验者”对所有动机变量都有很高的动机,并相信美食一般来说非常重要。
