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Profiling the Future: The Long Struggle against Police Racial Profiling in Montreal
American Review of Canadian Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02722011.2020.1831139
Ted Rutland 1

ABSTRACT Racial profiling is an increasingly well-studied problem in Quebec. Efforts to combat this problem, in contrast, are virtually non-existent. Seeking to address this gap, this article examines the long struggle to combat racial profiling in Montreal. This struggle began in earnest in 1979. It saw its most significant achievements between 1984 and 1991 and it saw most of these achievements watered down and rolled back between 1992 and 1997. The struggle was finally reborn in 2008, with an activist-led movement that led to a new strategic plan on racial profiling in 2018. Tracing the history of this struggle serves two purposes. First, it reveals the divergence between the narrow range of measures adopted by the City of Montreal and the wider range demanded by Black, anti-racist, and other progressive actors. Second, it shows that the current strategic plan, while touted as “the most ambitious and far-reaching” effort in the city’s history, is actually a diluted version of the actions taken between 1984 and 1991, actions that did little, if anything, to reduce racial profiling. The present strategic plan signals a failure to learn from the past and points toward a pair of possible futures: one in which the status quo endures and racial profiling continues unabated, and one in which social forces are transformed, driven by the actions of people and organizations that have demanded more from the City, and that proposes a new political vision and a wider set of actions.



摘要 在魁北克,种族定性是一个越来越深入研究的问题。相比之下,解决这个问题的努力实际上是不存在的。为了弥补这一差距,本文考察了蒙特利尔与种族定性作斗争的长期斗争。这场斗争从 1979 年认真开始。它在 1984 年至 1991 年之间取得了最显着的成就,而在 1992 年至 1997 年之间,这些成就大部分被淡化和倒退。这场斗争终于在 2008 年重生,以激进分子为主导的运动2018 年制定了一项关于种族貌相的新战略计划。追溯这场斗争的历史有两个目的。首先,它揭示了蒙特利尔市采取的范围狭窄的措施与黑人、反种族主义者和其他进步人士所要求的范围更广的措施之间的分歧。第二,它表明,当前的战略计划虽然被吹捧为该市历史上“最雄心勃勃、影响最深远”的努力,但实际上是 1984 年至 1991 年间采取的行动的稀释版本,这些行动几乎没有减少种族剖析。目前的战略计划表明未能从过去吸取教训,并指出了两种可能的未来:一种是现状持续存在,种族定性继续有增无减,另一种是社会力量在人们和社会行为的驱动下发生转变。对纽约市提出更多要求的组织,并提出了新的政治愿景和更广泛的行动。对减少种族定性几乎没有作用的行动。目前的战略计划表明未能从过去吸取教训,并指出了两种可能的未来:一种是现状持续存在,种族定性继续有增无减,另一种是社会力量在人们和社会行为的驱动下发生转变。对纽约市提出更多要求,并提出新的政治愿景和更广泛的行动的组织。对减少种族定性几乎没有作用的行动。目前的战略计划表明未能从过去吸取教训,并指出了两种可能的未来:一种是现状持续存在,种族定性继续有增无减,另一种是社会力量在人们和社会行为的驱动下发生转变。对纽约市提出更多要求的组织,并提出了新的政治愿景和更广泛的行动。