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Making Citizenship, Becoming Citizens: How Sikh Punjabis Shaped the Exclusionary Politics of Belonging
Amerasia Journal ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00447471.2020.1772186
Harleen Kaur 1

ABSTRACT In the decade after 9/11, many Sikh community organizations worked to neutralize public fear around a visible Sikh identity in response to rising anti-Sikh hate crimes. With the 2012 Oak Creek gurdwara shooting, community leaders suddenly saw these efforts as futile, leading to a strategic shift from creating positive awareness around external identity markers to positioning Sikhs as morally similar. Drawing on theories of racialization through Sikh history and interviews with Sikh community leaders, I argue that Sikh organizations’ projects of belonging are limited by whiteness and the desire to find safety through the U.S. nation-state's exclusionary framework for citizenship.



摘要 在 9/11 之后的十年中,许多锡克教社区组织致力于消除公众对可见锡克教身份的恐惧,以应对不断上升的反锡克教仇恨犯罪。随着 2012 年 Oak Creek gurdwara 枪击事件,社区领导人突然认为这些努力是徒劳的,导致战略转变,从围绕外部身份标记建立积极意识到将锡克教徒定位为道德相似。借鉴锡克教历史中的种族化理论和对锡克教社区领袖的采访,我认为锡克教组织的归属项目受到白人的限制,以及通过美国民族国家的排他性公民身份框架寻求安全的愿望。