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The 1994 Rwandan genocide: Practising the Heidelberg conflict methodology
African Security Review ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-26 , DOI: 10.1080/10246029.2020.1797843
M. Bahadir Ileri 1


Having suffered one of the worst genocides in recorded history, Rwanda today is a country still striving to maintain the equilibrium between the perpetrators and the survivors. After decades of tension between the Hutu majority and the Tutsi minority, during April to July 1994 an estimated 500,000 to 800,000 people were slaughtered in mass atrocities, with many more displaced from their homes. Political instability, discrimination, traces of colonialism, poverty and competition for power were some of the causes of this horrific extermination. Rwanda has been working ever since to recover from the aftermath of the events that culminated in this government-sponsored slaughter, and has achieved remarkable success – especially in terms of its economy. This study aims to explore the nature of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Fundamentally, it seeks to quantify the intensity and unprecedented nature of the genocide. Understanding how genocides such as this one occurred is crucial for preventing similar future atrocities.




卢旺达经历了有记录的历史上最严重的种族灭绝事件,今天,该国仍在努力保持犯罪者和幸存者之间的平衡。在胡图族大多数人和图西族之间数十年的紧张关系之后,在1994年4月至7月期间,估计有500,000至800,000人被屠杀在大规模暴行中,更多人流离失所。政治动荡,歧视,殖民主义的痕迹,贫穷和争夺权力是造成这种可怕灭绝的部分原因。从那以后,卢旺达一直在努力工作,以挽救这场由政府赞助的屠杀的高潮,并取得了显著成就,尤其是在经济方面。这项研究旨在探讨1994年卢旺达针对图西族的种族灭绝行为的性质。从根本上讲 它试图量化种族灭绝的强度和空前的性质。了解此类屠杀是如何发生的,对于防止类似的未来暴行至关重要。
