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A Privacy-Preserved and Cost-Efficient Control Scheme for Coronavirus Outbreak Using Call Data Record and Contact Tracing
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.1109/mce.2020.3038023
Shibli Nisar , Muhammad Ali Zuhaib , Abasin Ulasyar , Muhammad Tariq

Coronavirus or COVID-19, which has been declared pandemic by the World Health Organization, has incurred huge losses to the lives of people throughout the world. Although the scientists, researchers, and doctors are working round the clock to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, it may take a year or two to make a safe and effective vaccine available for the world. In current circumstances, a solution must be developed to control or stop the spread of the virus. For this purpose, a novel technique based on call data record analysis (CDRA) and contact tracing is proposed, which can effectively control the coronavirus outbreak. A positive coronavirus patient can be traced through CDRA and contact tracing. The technique can track the path traversed by the patient and collect the cell numbers of all those people who have met with the patient. Keeping intact the privacy of this group of people, when a test result of a person comes positive among the group, then he/she must be isolated and same CDRA and contact tracing procedures are adopted for that person. A COVID-19 patient is geotagged and alerts are sent if any violation of isolation is done by the patient. Moreover, the general public is informed in advance to avoid the path followed by the patients. This privacy-preserved and cost-effective mechanism is not only capable to control the coronavirus outbreak but also helps in isolating the patient in his/her house.



世界卫生组织已宣布冠状病毒或COVID-19为大流行病,给全世界人民的生命造成了巨大损失。尽管科学家、研究人员和医生正在夜以继日地开发 COVID-19 疫苗,但可能需要一两年的时间才能为全世界提供安全有效的疫苗。在当前情况下,必须制定解决方案来控制或阻止病毒的传播。为此,提出了一种基于通话数据记录分析(CDRA)和接触者追踪的新技术,可以有效控制冠状病毒的爆发。冠状病毒阳性患者可以通过 CDRA 和接触者追踪来追踪。该技术可以跟踪患者走过的路径,并收集所有与患者见过面的人的细胞数量。为了保持这群人的隐私完整,当该群体中某人的检测结果呈阳性时,必须对该人进行隔离,并对该人采取相同的 CDRA 和接触者追踪程序。对 COVID-19 患者进行地理标记,如果患者违反隔离规定,则会发送警报。此外,提前告知公众,以避免患者走上同样的道路。这种保护隐私且具有成本效益的机制不仅能够控制冠状病毒的爆发,还有助于将患者隔离在他/她的家中。