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Students for Freedom and Equality: The Inevitable Return of the Left in Post-Revolutionary Iran
Iranian Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-05 , DOI: 10.1080/00210862.2020.1836952
Peyman Vahabzadeh 1

The emergence and rapid but short-lived presence of Students for Freedom and Equality (SFE; in Persian: Daneshjuyan-e Azadikhah va Barabaritalab or DAB) across major Iranian campuses and their fateful 4 December 2007 protest rally on the campus of the University of Tehran speaks of the return of leftist student activism to Iranian campuses after almost two decades of absence or invisibility within the context of post-revolutionary Iran. SFE was an umbrella democratic organization: its activists came from a plurality of social and political backgrounds and adhered to diverse leftist ideas. But in the context of pro-Reform Movement student activism in Iranian post-secondary institutions in the late 1990s and in 2000s, for a short time the SFE tried to hegemonize student activism and challenge the various pro-government tendencies in university campuses. Before state repression forced the SFE out of operation in 2007, Students for Freedom and Equality brought to campuses candid discussions of social justice issues, critique of Iran’s neoliberal economic policies, and challenges to censorship and lack of freedom.



自由与平等学生组织(SFE;波斯语:Daneshjuyan-e Azadikhah va Barabaritalab 或 DAB)在伊朗主要校园的出现和迅速但短暂的存在,以及 2007 年 12 月 4 日在德黑兰大学校园举行的决定性抗议集会谈到在后革命伊朗的背景下,在缺席或隐身近 20 年后,左翼学生激进主义重返伊朗校园。SFE 是一个伞式民主组织:其积极分子来自多元化的社会和政治背景,并坚持多元化的左翼思想。但在 1990 年代后期和 2000 年代伊朗高等教育机构支持改革运动的学生激进主义背景下,在很短的时间内,SFE 试图霸权化学生激进主义并挑战大学校园中的各种亲政府倾向。在国家镇压迫使 SFE 在 2007 年停止运作之前,自由与平等学生组织在校园里就社会正义问题、对伊朗新自由主义经济政策的批评以及对审查制度和缺乏自由的挑战进行了坦诚的讨论。