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Is organized carpooling safer? Speeding and distracted driving behaviors from a naturalistic driving study in Brazil
Accident Analysis & Prevention ( IF 6.376 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2021.105992
Jorge Tiago Bastos , Pedro Augusto B. dos Santos , Eduardo Cesar Amancio , Tatiana Maria C. Gadda , José Aurélio Ramalho , Mark J. King , Oscar Oviedo-Trespalacios

Carpooling consists of drivers and passengers sharing a journey and its costs. Nowadays, in the context of mobility as a service, organized carpooling encompasses a service and trust relationship between drivers and passengers, by matching common routes and splitting cost through mobile phone applications. Therefore, passengers expect a certain level of travel quality and safety. In this context, this research aims to verify the hypothesis that drivers in an organized carpooling situation (CP) show safer driving behavior in terms of speeding (SP) and mobile phone use while driving (MPU) in comparison with non-carpooling (NCP) drivers. The research is based on data from the Brazilian Naturalistic Driving Study (NDS-BR) conducted in the City of Curitiba, with 40.45 driving hours and a traveled distance of 895.87 km. Methodology included the selection of safety performance indicators on SP and MPU, use of nonparametric Wilcoxon signed rank test for safety performance indicator comparisons and Pearson Chi-Square to test the association between CP or NCP and low or high indicator values. Hypothesis test results point in the same direction and partially confirm the initial assumption that CP induces safer behavior in terms of speeding. The statistically sound results showed that CP drivers engaged in less speeding episodes and mobile phone use duration in comparison to NCP drivers, as well as lower speed while using a mobile phone. In addition, driver behavior in CP and NCP situations also differed in terms of the type of MPU, with the proportion of types of use that demand a higher level of visual and manual distraction being higher among NCP drivers. In summary, these results confirm the initial hypothesis of safer driving behavior during carpooling in terms of MPU while driving.



拼车由司机和乘客共同分享旅程及其费用组成。如今,在移动即服务的背景下,有组织的拼车服务通过匹配常用路线并通过移动电话应用程序分摊成本,涵盖了驾驶员和乘客之间的服务和信任关系。因此,乘客期望一定水平的旅行质量和安全性。在这种情况下,本研究旨在验证以下假设:有组织的拼车情况(CP)中的驾驶员与非拼车(NCP)相比,在超速(SP)和移动时使用手机(MPU)方面显示出更安全的驾驶行为司机。该研究基于在库里提巴市进行的巴西自然驾驶研究(NDS-BR)的数据,行驶时间为40.45小时,行驶距离为895.87公里。方法包括选择SP和MPU上的安全绩效指标,使用非参数Wilcoxon符号秩检验进行安全绩效指标比较以及Pearson Chi-Square检验CP或NCP与低或高指标值之间的关联。假设检验结果指向相同的方向,并部分证实了CP引起的更安全行为的最初假设。统计上可靠的结果表明,与NCP驱动程序相比,CP驱动程序进行的超速驾驶事件和移动电话使用时间更长,并且在使用移动电话时的速度较低。另外,在CP和NCP情况下,驾驶员的行为在MPU的类型方面也有所不同,在NCP驾驶员中,要求更高视觉和手动注意力的使用类型所占的比例更高。
