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A test of the fermionic dark matter nature of the supermassive compact object at the center of our galaxy
Astronomische Nachrichten ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-03 , DOI: 10.1002/asna.202113939
E. A. Becerra‐Vergara 1, 2, 3 , J. A. Rueda 2, 4, 5, 6 , R. Ruffini 2, 4, 5, 7

The extensive and continuous monitoring of the closest stars to the Galactic center has been producing over decades a large amount of high‐quality data of their positions and velocities. The explanation of these data, especially the S2 star motion, reveals the presence of a compact source, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), whose mass must be about 4 × 106 M. This result has been protagonist of the awarded Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez “for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy.” Traditionally, the nature of Sgr A* has been attributed to a supermassive black hole (SMBH), even though a proof of its existence is absent. Further, recent data on the motion of the G2 cloud show that its post‐peripassage velocity is lower than the expected one from a Keplerian orbit around the hypothesized SMBH. An attempt to overcome this difficulty has used a friction force, produced (arguably) by an accretion flow whose presence is also observationally unconfirmed. We advance an alternative scenario that identifies the nature of the supermassive compact object in a highly concentrated core of dark matter (DM) made of fermions, that is, inos, which we here refer to as darkinos. This DM concentration is predicted by the core‐halo profile obtained from the Ruffini‐Argüelles‐Rueda fermionic DM model, which also fits the Galactic‐halo rotation curves. We show that the sole DM core, for 56 keV darkinos, explains the orbits of S2 and G2. No drag force or other external agents are needed, that is, their motion is purely geodesic. A core made of these darkinos becomes unstable against gravitational collapse into a BH for a mass of ∼108M; hence, they can provide the BH seeds from which grow the observed central SMBHs in active galaxies, for example, M87.



几十年来,对距银河系中心最近的恒星进行了广泛而连续的监测,从而产生了大量有关其位置和速度的高质量数据。这些数据,尤其是S2星运动,所述的说明揭示了一个紧凑源的存在下,射手A *(SGR A *),其质量必须约为4×10 6 中号。这一结果成为Reinhard Genzel和Andrea Ghez荣获2020年诺贝尔物理学奖的主角,因为他在我们银河系的中心发现了一个超大质量的紧凑物体。。” 传统上,Sgr A *的性质被归因于超大质量黑洞(SMBH),即使缺少其存在的证据也是如此。此外,有关G2云运动的最新数据表明,其绕行后速度低于假想SMBH附近开普勒轨道的预期速度。克服该困难的尝试使用了摩擦力,该摩擦力(可以说)是由吸积流产生的,而吸积流的存在在观察上也是不确定的。我们推进一个替代方案标识超大质量致密天体中的费米子做暗物质(DM),也就是高度浓缩的核心本质iNOS的,这是我们在这里称之为darkinos。DM浓度由核心晕预测从Ruffini-Argüelles-Rueda铁离子DM模型获得的轮廓,它也与Galactic-halo旋转曲线拟合。我们证明了,唯一的DM内核,用于56 keV的Darkinos,可以解释S2和G2的轨道。不需要拖曳力或其他外部因素,也就是说,它们的运动纯粹是短程线。由这些darkinos的芯成为针对重力崩塌成BH为的质量不稳定〜10 8中号 ; 因此,它们可以提供BH种子,从中可以生长出活跃的星系(例如M87)中观察到的中央SMBH。