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Exploring transgender adolescents’ body image concerns and disordered eating: Semi-structured interviews with nine gender minority youth
Body Image ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2021.01.008
Madelaine Romito 1 , Rachel H Salk 2 , Savannah R Roberts 3 , Brian C Thoma 2 , Michele D Levine 4 , Sophia Choukas-Bradley 3

Transgender adolescents (TGAs) face many of the same sociocultural and biological influences on body dissatisfaction and disordered eating as cisgender peers. Additionally, TGAs experience unique body- and gender-related concerns. The purpose of this study is to explore the nuances of gender identity, gender transitioning, body image, and disordered eating among TGAs. Case summaries and a synthesis of key themes are presented from interviews with nine TGAs aged 16–20 (Mage = 17). All participants reported engaging in at least one behavior to change their weight or shape. Consistent with a theoretical biopsychosociocultural model we proposed, TGAs described body dissatisfaction and disordered eating related to transgender-specific factors (e.g., behaviors aimed at minimizing secondary sex characteristics) and broader developmental and sociocultural factors. Some participants reported improvements in body image and disordered eating following gender transition. The interviews highlight complex associations among gender identity, gender transitioning, body image, and disordered eating during adolescence, suggesting that disentangling transgender-specific factors from other individual factors is difficult. These findings may guide future research on the prevalence and functions of disordered eating among TGAs and point to a unique set of needs for effective detection and treatment of concurrent gender incongruence, body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating.



跨性别青少年 (TGA) 与顺性别同龄人一样,面临着许多相同的社会文化和生物学影响,即身体不满和饮食失调。此外,TGA 会遇到与身体和性别相关的独特问题。本研究的目的是探讨 TGA 中性别认同、性别转换、身体形象和饮食失调的细微差别。案例摘要和关键主题综合来自对 9 位 16-20 岁的 TGA(M年龄= 17)。所有参与者都报告说他们参与了至少一种行为来改变他们的体重或体型。与我们提出的理论生物心理社会文化模型一致,TGA 描述了与跨性别特定因素(例如,旨在最小化第二性征的行为)和更广泛的发展和社会文化因素相关的身体不满和饮食失调。一些参与者报告了性别转变后身体形象和饮食失调的改善。访谈强调了性别认同、性别转变、身体形象和青春期饮食失调之间的复杂关联,这表明将跨性别特定因素与其他个体因素分开是困难的。
