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Why Latino Vendor Markets Matter
Journal of the American Planning Association ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-03 , DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2020.1851288
Edna Ledesma , Cecilia Giusti


Problem, research strategy, and findings

Markets have been central to civilization, fostering trade and social life. Although markets take a variety of forms and sizes, existing planning research does not engage with flea markets and swap meets. In this study we explore four Latino vendor markets (LVMs), classified as flea markets or swap meets, in two predominantly Latino states, California and Texas. We analyze Latino vendor markets through the lens of place attachment from three perspectives: basic economic activity, social and human interactions, and their physical setting. We draw our results from 198 surveys with vendors and customers, interviews with key informants, and detailed on-site observations. We find that LVMs are vibrant and lively places where attachment and feelings of belonging manifest; we identify them as one-stop shops and places of purposeful interactions. Our findings are limited by the scope of the geographic focus of the research.

Takeaway for practice

Forward thinking in planning pushes away from a legacy of exclusionary practices and into an inclusive approach. Our study gives planners a better understanding of how LVMs work and their capacity to create place attachment in the process of providing for basic needs. Planners should embrace the presence of a critical mass of people as an opportunity to support community development at the markets and reach out to and support hard-to-reach populations.





市场一直是文明的核心,促进贸易和社会生活。尽管市场有多种形式和规模,但现有的规划研究并未涉及跳蚤市场和掉期交易。在这项研究中,我们探索了四个拉丁裔供应商市场 (LVM),这些市场被归类为跳蚤市场或掉期交易市场,位于两个主要是拉丁裔的州,加利福尼亚和德克萨斯。我们从三个角度通过地方依恋的视角分析拉丁裔供应商市场:基本经济活动、社会和人类互动以及他们的物理环境。我们从对供应商和客户的 198 次调查、与关键知情人的访谈以及详细的现场观察中得出我们的结果。我们发现 LVM 是充满活力和活力的地方,在那里表现出依恋和归属感;我们将它们视为一站式商店和有目的的互动场所。


规划中的前瞻性思维将传统的排他性做法推向了包容性方法。我们的研究让规划者更好地了解 LVM 如何工作以及它们在满足基本需求的过程中创造地方依恋的能力。规划者应将大量人口的存在视为支持市场社区发展并接触和支持难以接触的人群的机会。
