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Rice, beans and pulses at Vadnagar: An early historical site with a Buddhist monastery in Gujarat, western India
Geobios ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2020.12.002
Anil K. Pokharia , Shalini Sharma , Y.S. Rawat , Alka Srivasatava , Bhushan Dighe , P.C. Pande

We present the plant macroremains from the site of Vadnagar, an important centre of Buddhist learning in western India spanned between first century BCE and fourth century CE. The cultural relics and AMS dates of the recovered carbonized seeds from the cultural horizon also confirm the archaeological context. The study indicate that the likely staples were cereals (Oryza sativa, Hordeum vulgare, Triticum aestivum), leguminous crops (Vigna unguiculata, Vigna radiata, Vigna mungo, and Macrotyloma uniflorum), and oil and fibre-yielding (Linum usitatissimum and Gossypium sp.) crops. In addition, there is an evidence that fruits such as Tamarindus indica and Ziziphus sp. may have been consumed by the settlers. Few weeds and wild taxa (Paspalum scrobiculatum, Vicia sp., and Ipomoea sp.), which turned up as an admixture with the above economically important seeds/grains have also been encountered. Abundance of Oryza sativa (rice) grains and spikelet bases indicate crop-processing at the site and played significant role in the subsistence economy. Moreover, the overall assemblage of summer and winter crops suggests the prevalence of multi-cropping system attributed to conducive environmental conditions during ~100 BCE–400 CE.



我们介绍的植物遗迹来自瓦德纳加尔遗址,瓦德纳加尔遗址是印度西部佛教学习的重要中心,横跨公元前一世纪至公元四世纪。从文化视野中回收的碳化种子的文物和AMS日期也证实了考古背景。该研究表明,有可能钉是谷类(水稻大麦小麦),豆科作物(豇豆,绿豆,豇豆蒙哥,硬皮豆),以及油和纤维得到(亚麻属)的农作物。此外,有证据表明,诸如罗望子树Ziziphus sp。可能已经被定居者消耗掉了。还很少遇到杂草和野生分类单元(Paspalum scrobiculatum野豌豆Vicia sp。)和番薯属(Ipomoea sp。)),它们是与上述具有重要经济意义的种子/谷物的混合物。丰水稻(大米)的谷物和小穗碱基表示在自然经济作物处理在现场,发挥显著作用。此外,夏季和冬季农作物的总体组合表明,在 公元前100年至 公元400年之间,有利于环境条件的多作系统普遍存在。
