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Thermodynamics and overcharging problem in extended phase space of charged AdS black holes with cloud of strings and quintessence under charged particle absorption Supported in part by NSFC (11747171), Natural Science Foundation of Chengdu University of TCM (ZRYY1729, ZRYY1921), Discipline Talent Promotion Program of /Xinglin Scholars (QNXZ2018050) and the key fund project for Education Department of Sichuan (18ZA0173)
Chinese Physics C ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-02 , DOI: 10.1088/1674-1137/abd085
Jing Liang 1, 2 , Benrong Mu 1, 2 , Jun Tao 2

The thermodynamics and overcharging problem in RN-AdS black holes with a cloud of strings and quintessence are investigated by the absorption of scalar particles and fermions in extended phase space. The cosmological constant is treated as the pressure of the black hole. The parameters related to quintessence and the cloud of strings are treated as thermodynamic variables. We find that the first law of thermodynamics is satisfied and the second law of thermodynamics is indefinite. Furthermore, we find that near-extremal and extremal black holes cannot be overcharged.


带电粒子吸收条件下带弦云带电AdS黑洞扩展相空间的热力学和过充电问题 国家自然科学基金(11747171),成都中医药大学自然科学基金(ZRYY1729,ZRYY1921),学科人才促进计划部分资助/杏林学者(QNXZ2018050)和四川省教育厅重点基金项目(18ZA0173)

通过在扩展相空间中对标量粒子和费米子的吸收,研究了带有一串弦和精髓的 RN-AdS 黑洞的热力学和过充电问题。宇宙常数被视为黑洞的压力。与精髓和弦云相关的参数被视为热力学变量。我们发现热力学第一定律是满足的,而热力学第二定律是不确定的。此外,我们发现近极值和极值黑洞不能被过度充电。
