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Exploring Preferences for Transportation Modes in the City of Munich after the Recent Incorporation of Ride-Hailing Companies
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-03 , DOI: 10.1177/0361198121989726
Maged Shoman 1 , Ana Tsui Moreno 1

The growth of ride-hailing (RH) companies over the past few years has affected urban mobility in numerous ways. Despite widespread claims about the benefits of such services, limited research has been conducted on the topic. This paper assesses the willingness of Munich transportation users to pay for RH services. Realizing the difficulty of obtaining data directly from RH companies, a stated preference survey was designed. The dataset includes responses from 500 commuters. Sociodemographic attributes, current travel behavior and transportation mode preference in an 8 km trip scenario using RH service and its similar modes (auto and transit), were collected. A multinomial logit model was used to estimate the time and cost coefficients for using RH services across income groups, which was then used to estimate the value of time (VOT) for RH. The model results indicate RH services’ popularity among those aged 18–39, larger households and households with fewer autos. Higher income groups are also willing to pay more for using RH services. To examine the impact of RH services on modal split in the city of Munich, we incorporated RH as a new mode into an existing nested logit mode choice model using an incremental logit. Travel time, travel cost and VOT were used as measures for the choice commuters make when choosing between RH and its closest mode, metro. A total of 20 scenarios were evaluated at four different congestion levels and four price levels to reflect the demand in response to acceptable costs and time tradeoffs.



在过去的几年中,乘车(RH)公司的增长以多种方式影响了城市的出行。尽管人们广泛宣称此类服务的好处,但对此主题的研究仍很少。本文评估了慕尼黑运输用户支付RH服务的意愿。意识到直接从RH公司获取数据的困难,设计了陈述性偏好调查。该数据集包括来自500个通勤者的回复。收集了使用RH服务及其类似模式(自动和公交)的8 km行驶场景中的社会人口统计属性,当前出行行为和交通方式偏好。多项logit模型用于估算跨收入组使用RH服务的时间和成本系数,然后用于估算RH的时间(VOT)。模型结果表明,生殖健康服务在18-39岁年龄段,较大家庭和较少汽车的家庭中很受欢迎。高收入人群也愿意为使用生殖健康服务付费。为了检查RH服务对慕尼黑市模式拆分的影响,我们使用增量logit将RH作为一种新模式合并到现有的嵌套logit模式选择模型中。在RH及其最接近的地铁方式之间进行选择时,通勤时间,旅行成本和VOT被用作通勤者做出选择的标准。在四个不同的拥塞水平和四个价格水平下,总共评估了20种情况,以反映需求对可接受的成本和时间折衷的响应。高收入人群也愿意为使用生殖健康服务付费。为了检查RH服务对慕尼黑市模式拆分的影响,我们使用增量logit将RH作为一种新模式合并到现有的嵌套logit模式选择模型中。在RH及其最接近的地铁方式之间进行选择时,通勤时间,旅行成本和VOT被用作通勤者做出选择的标准。在四个不同的拥塞水平和四个价格水平下,总共评估了20种情况,以反映需求对可接受的成本和时间折衷的响应。高收入人群也愿意为使用生殖健康服务付费。为了检查RH服务对慕尼黑市模式拆分的影响,我们使用增量logit将RH作为一种新模式合并到现有的嵌套logit模式选择模型中。在RH及其最接近的地铁方式之间进行选择时,通勤时间,旅行成本和VOT被用作通勤者做出选择的标准。在四个不同的拥塞水平和四个价格水平下,总共评估了20种情况,以反映需求对可接受的成本和时间折衷的响应。在RH及其最接近的地铁方式之间进行选择时,通勤成本和VOT被用作通勤者的选择标准。在四个不同的拥塞水平和四个价格水平下,总共评估了20种情况,以反映需求对可接受的成本和时间折衷的响应。在RH及其最接近的地铁方式之间进行选择时,通勤成本和VOT被用作通勤者的选择标准。在四个不同的拥塞水平和四个价格水平下,总共评估了20种情况,以反映需求以响应可接受的成本和时间折衷。
