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Ascent of the herbivores, decline of the carnivores: The social stratification of eating profiles in Italy, 1997–2016
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2021.101533
Filippo Oncini , Moris Triventi

Using data from the Multipurpose Survey of Daily Life by ISTAT, we analyse the profiling and social stratification of eating styles among Italian adults from 1997 to 2016. We apply Latent Class Analysis on a set of common foods to document the existence of six consumption clusters, (herbivore, carnivore, hedonist, enhanced Mediterranean, paucivore, omnivore) and their relative size over time. We then illustrate how gender and education are associated with each of the identified clusters and document the evolution of their gradients over time.

Results point to an increase in the relative size of the herbivores and omnivores, a substantial stability of the hedonists and paucivores, and a decline of the carnivores and enhanced Mediterraneans. Moreover, our findings highlight a substantial social stratification of eating profiles and show that, within a broad picture of persistence, gender and education became more important in affecting the propensity of adopting certain profiles.



使用来自 ISTAT 日常生活多用途调查的数据,我们分析了 1997 年至 2016 年意大利成年人饮食方式的特征和社会分层。我们对一组常见食物应用潜在类别分析,以记录六个消费集群的存在, (草食动物、肉食动物、享乐主义者、增强型地中海动物、食肉动物、杂食动物)及其随时间变化的相对大小。然后我们说明性别和教育如何与每个识别的集群相关联,并记录它们的梯度随时间的演变。

