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What are the criteria for religious recognition?
Ethnicities ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-02 , DOI: 10.1177/1468796821989754
Jonathan Seglow 1

Bouke De Vries’s bold and original article departs from extant discussion of the political morality of religious establishment in liberal democracies in two ways. First, its centre of gravity is not so much with the cluster of reasons for why religious establishment, as opposed to more secular political arrangements, is justified or not, but in the relative merits of ‘mono-recognition’ where only one religion enjoys a public status as against plural recognition (my term) where other religions enjoy that status too. Of course, mono-recognition is the norm in societies where religion has any official status, and plural recognition the exception, and the thrust of De Vries’s case is to argue against the former and on behalf of the latter. Second, De Vries rejects the four main arguments which have been made against mono-recognition and around which most of the current debate orbits: that it alienates non-members of the official religion; that it subordinates them either symbolically, or more substantively as a matter of justice; and that it fails the test of justificatory neutrality. In their place, he offers a novel argument which claims, roughly speaking, that mono-recognition is unjustified if adherents of other religions desire recognition too, provided that their preferences are reasonable and not formed in unjust circumstances. In this comment I focus on the structure of his positive argument for recognition.



布克·德弗里斯(Bouke De Vries)的大胆而原始的文章以两种方式背离了对自由民主制中宗教建立的政治道德的现有讨论。首先,它的重心不在于宗教建立相对于世俗的政治安排是否合理的一系列原因,而在于“单一承认”的相对优点,即只有一种宗教享有宗教信仰。与其他宗教也享有该地位的反对复数承认(我的说法)相反的公共地位。当然,在宗教具有任何官方地位的社会中,单承认是规范,复数承认是例外,而德弗里斯案的主旨是反对前者并代表后者。第二,德弗里斯拒绝了反对单一承认的四个主要论点,当前的大多数辩论围绕这四个论点围绕着这一点:它疏远了官方宗教的非成员;出于正义的考虑,它象征性地或更实质性地服从他们;并且它没有通过正当中立性的考验。取而代之的是,他提出了一种新颖的论点,该论点粗略地说,如果其他宗教的信徒也希望承认,那么单人承认是不合理的,条件是他们的偏好是合理的,并且不是在不公正的情况下形成的。在这篇评论中,我着重讨论他的积极论证的结构。或更实质性地考虑到司法公正;并且它没有通过正当中立性的考验。取而代之的是,他提出了一种新颖的论点,该论点粗略地说,如果其他宗教的信徒也希望承认,那么单人承认是不合理的,条件是他们的偏好是合理的,并且不是在不公正的情况下形成的。在这篇评论中,我着重讨论他的积极论证的结构。或更实质性地考虑到司法公正;并且它没有通过正当中立性的考验。取而代之的是,他提出了一种新颖的论点,该论点粗略地说,如果其他宗教的信徒也希望承认,那么单人承认是不合理的,条件是他们的偏好是合理的,并且不是在不公正的情况下形成的。在这篇评论中,我着重讨论他的积极论证的结构。