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Classics for All North. The view from Liverpool
Journal of Classics Teaching ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s2058631020000549
Alice Case , Maria Haley

In June 2019 the Classics for All Hubs in the North of England (Blackpool, Liverpool, Durham/North-East England and Manchester/Leeds) met together in Leeds and agreed to combine our forces, rebranding ourselves as Classics for All North. The intention was to create a stronger presence in the North for schools and teachers of classical subjects and to share events and planning. We now have a combined Classics for All North website (https://classicsforallnorth.org.uk/) and social media presence (Twitter handle @ClassicsNorth, Instagram @CfANorth), we produce a combined quarterly newsletter and, where practical, share events and planning. It also means that schools that fall between our hubs or outside our metropolitan centres can feel more included. As we have set up our hubs and got to know teachers, a common difficulty has been raised: a feeling that so much that happens in the Classics world happens in London and the South. We are trying hard to change that. As individual hubs it can be difficult to make an impact. Individual numbers of schools in one area may be too small to run a Teach Meet event, but by combining them and running them across the whole region, we are able to accomplish more and our local schools are noticing more what we have to offer. Of course, our individual hubs are still busy in their own areas, recruiting new schools and training teachers.



2019 年 6 月,英格兰北部所有中心(布莱克浦、利物浦、达勒姆/英格兰东北部和曼彻斯特/利兹)在利兹会面并同意合并我们的力量,将自己重新命名为全北经典. 其目的是在北方为古典学科的学校和教师创造更强大的存在,并分享活动和规划。我们现在有一个组合全北经典网站 (https://classicsforallnorth.org.uk/) 和社交媒体(Twitter 处理 @ClassicsNorth,Instagram @CfANorth),我们制作合并的季度通讯,并在可行的情况下分享活动和计划。这也意味着位于我们的枢纽之间或我们的大都市中心之外的学校可以感受到更多的包容性。当我们建立了我们的中心并结识了老师时,一个共同的困难出现了:感觉古典世界中发生的如此多的事情发生在伦敦和南部。我们正在努力改变这一点。作为单独的中心,很难产生影响。一个地区的个别学校数量可能太少而无法举办 Teach Meet 活动,但通过将它们结合起来并在整个地区开展活动,我们能够取得更多成就,我们当地的学校也注意到了我们所提供的更多内容。当然,