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Lunar meteorites from northern Africa
Meteoritics and Planetary Science ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-02 , DOI: 10.1111/maps.13617
Randy L. Korotev 1 , Anthony J. Irving 2

We report bulk composition data for 235 stones of ~77 lunar meteorites from northern Africa and 33 lunar meteorites from elsewhere. About 27% of the African meteorites are typical feldspathic lunar rocks, all breccias of similar bulk composition, for example, 3–5% FeO and low concentrations of incompatible elements. Nevertheless, these meteorites have a large range in Mg' (whole‐rock mole% Mg/[Mg + Fe]), 57–77 (mean: 65.5), and this parameter does not correlate with either albite content of the plagioclase or concentrations of incompatible elements. From this observation, we conclude that feldspathic lunar meteorites do not support the hypotheses that the anorthositic, precursor plutonic rocks of the meteorite breccias all crystallized from a common magma. Among feldspathic lunar meteorites, Mg' increases with normative olivine abundance but is uncorrelated with normative pyroxene abundance, that is, high‐Mg' feldspathic rocks of the early lunar crust were troctolitic, not noritic. The NWA 5744 (Northwest Arica) clan of lunar meteorites are anorthositic troctolites (59–75% plagioclase, 15–26% olivine, Fo77–80) with very low concentrations of incompatible elements (2.6 × CI) compared to troctolites in the Apollo collection. They may represent the lower feldspathic crust or differentiated impact melt from portions of the highlands distant from the PKT (Procellarum KREEP Terrane). About 31% of the lunar meteorites from northern Africa, all breccias, are, by lunar standards, moderately mafic (5–13% FeO) but more magnesian than mixtures of typical feldspathic meteorite and mare basalt, implying that they represent moderately mafic regions of the highlands or originate from the South Pole–Aitken basin. With ~6 µg g−1 Th, two NWA meteorites likely originate from the PKT. Including the unique NWA 773 clan, at least six of the northern Africa meteorites are, or are dominated by, unbrecciated basalts and gabbros of mare affinity. We estimate that the ~341 lunar meteorite stones (Africa and elsewhere) for which there are data represent 131–147 terrestrially unpaired meteorites and 109–134 lunar launch sites.



我们报告了来自北非的约77个月球陨石的235块石头和来自其他地方的33个月球陨石的大块成分数据。非洲陨石中约27%是典型的长石型月球岩石,所有角砾岩的堆积成分相似,例如,FeO含量为3-5%,且不相容元素的浓度低。然而,这些陨石的Mg'(整个岩石摩尔%Mg / [Mg + Fe])范围很大,为57-77(平均值:65.5),并且该参数与斜长石的钠长石含量或浓度都不相关。不兼容元素的集合。从这一观察结果,我们得出结论,长石型月球陨石不支持这样的假设,即陨石角砾岩的反斜的,前体的深成岩都从一个共同的岩浆中结晶出来。在长石型月球陨石中,Mg'随规范橄榄石的丰度增加而增加,但与规范辉石的丰度不相关,也就是说,早期月壳的高Mg'长石质岩石是八面体的,而不是白垩质的。月球陨石的NWA 5744(西北阿里卡)氏族是无斜齿闪长石(59-75%斜长石,15-26%橄榄石,Fo 77-80)与阿波罗(Apollo)藏品中的三水闪石相比,具有非常低的不相容元素浓度(2.6×CI)。它们可能代表了远离钾肥高地(Procellarum KREEP Terrane)的高地部分下部的长石质地壳或不同的冲击熔岩。按月球标准,来自北非的角砾岩中约31%的陨石为中度镁铁质(5-13%FeO),但镁质比典型的长石陨石和母马玄武岩的混合物高,这意味着它们代表了中度镁铁质地区。高地或起源于南极-艾特肯盆地。含〜6 µg g -1因此,两个NWA陨石可能源自PKT。包括独特的NWA 773氏族在内,至少有六个北非陨石是由未结块的玄武岩和具有母马亲缘关系的辉长岩所组成,或由其主导。我们估计有数据的〜341个月球陨石(非洲和其他地方)代表131–147个未成对的陨石和109–134个月球发射场。