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Potential of Beauveria bassiana application via a carrier to control the large pine weevil
Crop Protection ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2021.105563
Michal Lalík , Juraj Galko , Christo Nikolov , Slavomír Rell , Andrej Kunca , Milan Zúbrik , Silvia Hyblerová , Marek Barta , Jaroslav Holuša

The large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) is an important pest of freshly planted coniferous trees. Feeding damage to conifer seedlings can be prevented by protecting the seedlings (mechanically or chemically), or by reducing H. abietis abundance. The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana has promise for H. abietis control. To test the effects of the B. bassiana-colonized carriers (25 mm in diameter and colonized by strain AMEP20) on H. abietis adults that move into forest clearances, we performed several experiments. These included an experiment in Petri dishes under laboratory conditions, an experiment in cages with Norway spruce seedlings under semi-natural conditions, and a field experiment. Infection by B. bassiana and mortality of H. abietis was confirmed in all three experiments. The total mortality rate in all Petri dishes with B. bassiana carriers after 14 days was 74% (80% with fresh carriers; 68% with carriers that had been treated with UV light; 82% for carriers that had been frozen; 45% for adults that were exposed to carriers for only 24 h; and 95% for carriers that had been stored at 4 °C for 2 months). The mortality of H. abietis adults was affected by the absence/presence of carriers in the cages with spruce plants. The number of dead adults after 4 weeks of treatment in forest clearing were higher in plots with carriers than in the control plot. Mortality was highest for adults trapped in the plot with carriers on trap barks (58%), followed by the plot with carriers and an attractant (48%), and followed by the plots with carriers without an attractant (35%).

The results suggest that carriers colonized by the entomopathogenic fungus B. bassiana could be suitable for reducing H. abietis abundance in forests. The results indicated that H. abietis adults may be infected by B. bassiana after only a short exposure to carriers. The B. bassiana-colonized carrier is ready-to-use, i.e., it could be immediately produced and applied.



大松象鼻虫(Hylobius abietis)是新鲜种植的针叶树的重要害虫。可以通过保护(机械或化学方式)幼苗,或通过减少足叶嗜血杆菌的丰度来防止对针叶树幼苗的进食损害。昆虫病原球菌球孢白僵菌有望控制姬松茸。测试球杆菌定殖的载体(直径25毫米,由菌株AMEP20定殖)对Abietis的影响成年人进入森林后,我们进行了一些实验。其中包括在实验室条件下在陪替氏培养皿中进行的实验,在半自然条件下使用挪威云杉幼苗在笼中进行的实验以及田间实验。感染白僵菌和死亡率H. abietis被证实在所有三个实验。14天后,所有带有B. bassiana载体的陪替氏培养皿中的总死亡率为74%(新鲜载体为80%;经过紫外线处理的载体为68%;冷冻载体为82%;冷冻载体为45%)。暴露于载体仅24小时的成年人; 95%的载体在4°C下储存2个月)。姬松茸的死亡率成年受云杉植物笼中携带/携带者的影响。在带载体的地块中,经过4周森林砍伐处理后的成年死亡人数高于对照地块。被困在地里的成年人死亡率最高(58%),其次是携带者和诱引剂的地块(48%),其次是没有携带者的引诱剂的地块(35%)。

结果表明,由昆虫病原真菌B. bassiana定殖的携带者可能适合于减少森林中的姬松茸丰富度。结果表明,H. abietis成人可以通过被感染白僵菌只有很短的接触载波之后。球杆菌定殖的载体是即用型,即可以立即生产和使用。
