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Kin structure and roost fidelity in greater noctule bats
Basic and Applied Ecology ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.baae.2021.02.001
João D. Santos , Christoph F.J. Meyer , Carlos Ibáñez , Ana G. Popa-Lisseanu , Javier Juste

Roost fidelity is an important aspect of mammalian biology. Studying the mechanisms underlying philopatry can help us understand a species’ energetic requirements, ecological constraints and social organisation. Temperate bat species notably exhibit a high degree of female philopatry considering their size, resulting in maternity colonies segregated at the mitochondrial level. We focus on the greater noctule, Nyctalus lasiopterus, to study this behaviour in more depth. We make use of microsatellite data for 11 markers across 84 individuals residing in Maria Luisa Park in Seville, Spain. At the time of sampling this urban park boasted the highest number of bats of any known colony of this species, among which three social groups were observed to segregate spatially. We studied the distribution of pairs of individuals across filial relationship categories and relatedness estimates relative to the social group of each individual. This analysis was complemented by information on roost-use frequency among a subset of genotyped bats. We found no significant relationship between roost use and genetic distance, but there was evidence that more closely related bats are more likely to be found in the same social group. Mother-daughter pairs shared the same group more often than expected, as did pairs of individuals of relatedness above 0.43. We discuss the implications of these results in terms of the behavioural ecology of temperate bats and for conservation efforts aimed at preserving them.



栖息保真度是哺乳动物生物学的重要方面。研究隐匿的基本机制可以帮助我们了解物种的能量需求,生态约束和社会组织。考虑到它们的大小,温带蝙蝠物种尤其表现出高度的雌性传性,导致在线粒体水平上隔离的产科菌落。我们专注于更大的夜蛾,Nyctalus lasiopterus,以更深入地研究这种行为。我们利用微卫星数据收集了居住在西班牙塞维利亚的玛丽亚·路易莎公园(Maria Luisa Park)中84个人的11个标记。在采样时,这个城市公园的蝙蝠数量居该物种已知殖民地中最多,其中观察到三个社会群体在空间上隔离。我们研究了孝顺关系类别中的个人对分布情况以及相对于每个人的社会群体的相关性估计。该分析得到了基因分型蝙蝠子集中的栖息地使用频率信息的补充。我们发现栖息地使用与遗传距离之间没有显着关系,但是有证据表明,在同一社会群体中更可能发现更紧密相关的蝙蝠。母女对同一个组的共享频率高于预期,相关性高于0.43的对也是如此。我们从温带蝙蝠的行为生态学以及旨在保护它们的保护工作方面讨论了这些结果的含义。
