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Quadriceps Muscle Oxygenation during a Maximum Stress Test in Middle-Aged Athletes
Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.26773/mjssm.200908
María-José Paredes-Ruiz , , Maria Jodar-Reverte , Vicente Ferrer-Lopez , Ignacio Martínez- González-Moro , , ,

Determining oxygen muscle saturation (SmO2) using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an emerging technique that is increasingly used in sports science; therefore, it is necessary to know its results in different population groups. We analysed it in a group of recreational participants in Nordic Walking. The purpose of this research was to analyse the SmO2 values obtained at various times from testing in a group of athletes over 45. Thirty athletes (18 males) with a mean age of 51.3 years completed a maximal exercise testing in treadmill according to a modified Bruce protocol on a ramp. The electrocardiogram was continuously monitored. We measured VO2max (Metalyzer 3B). In addition, we placed a Humon Hex device on the right thigh to measure quadriceps oxygenation. Heart rate, VO2, and SmO2 ratios were obtained based on the exercise intensity. We obtained a SmO2 at startup of 63.3%, standard deviation (SD) 9.2%; SmO2 declined 61.8%, SD 11.4%; SmO2 in VO2max 57.4% SD 10.2% and SmO2 5 minutes after starting recovery 72.5% SD7.9%. There was a relationship between ventilatory thresholds and variations in SmO2. There were no significant differences between the sexes. We could conclude that the minimum values of SmO2 were related to the VO2 max. During the recovery phase, the values were higher than at rest. The information obtained could be used to control and plan the training.



使用近红外光谱法(NIRS)测定氧肌饱和度(SmO2)是一项新兴技术,在体育科学中越来越多地使用。因此,有必要了解其在不同人群中的结果。我们在“越野行走”的一组娱乐参与者中进行了分析。这项研究的目的是分析从一组45岁以上运动员的测试中在不同时间获得的SmO2值。根据改良的Bruce,平均年龄为51.3岁的30名运动员(18名男性)完成了跑步机上的最大运动测试。坡道协议。连续监测心电图。我们测量了最大摄氧量(Metalyzer 3B)。此外,我们在右大腿上放置了Humon Hex装置,以测量股四头肌的氧合。根据运动强度获得心率,VO2和SmO2比率。我们在启动时获得的SmO2为63.3%,标准偏差(SD)为9.2%;SmO2下降61.8%,SD下降11.4%; VO2max中的SmO2为57.4%SD 10.2%,开始恢复5分钟后的SmO2为72.5%SD7.9%。呼吸阈与SmO2的变化之间存在关系。性别之间没有显着差异。我们可以得出结论,SmO2的最小值与VO2最大值有关。在恢复阶段,该值高于静止状态。获得的信息可用于控制和计划培训。性别之间没有显着差异。我们可以得出结论,SmO2的最小值与VO2最大值有关。在恢复阶段,该值高于静止状态。获得的信息可用于控制和计划培训。性别之间没有显着差异。我们可以得出结论,SmO2的最小值与VO2最大值有关。在恢复阶段,该值高于静止状态。获得的信息可用于控制和计划培训。