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The Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training on Skeletal Muscle Morphological Changes and Denervation Gene expression of Aged Rats
Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-01 , DOI: 10.26773/mjssm.190906
Seyed Morteza Tayebi , , Marefat Siahkouhian , Mohammad Keshavarz , Mojgan Yousefi , , ,

Muscle denervation is one of the most critical pathological factors involved in muscle atrophy as a result of ageing. This study aims to investigate the chronic effect of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on cross-sectional areas and muscle denervation genes, interpreted in the plantaris muscle atrophy of aged rats. Twenty-eight aged and young rats were divided into four different groups, including exercise and control. The training protocol included six weeks of HIIT. Animals were sacrificed 48 hours after the last training session, and the plantaris muscle was removed. To measure Gadd45a mRNA and NCAM1mRNA, we used a real-time PCR technique. The cross-sectional area was measured with photomyography using an H&E technique. The results showed that ageing significantly decreased NCAM1 mRNA in the aged control group (p=0.0001) and exercise leads to a significant increase (interaction effect) of it (p=0.003). Gadd45a mRNA was significantly increased due to ageing (p=0.009), and exercise resulted in a significant decrease in that in the aged exercise group (p=0.04). The cross-sectional area in the aged control group was significantly smaller than in the young control group (p=0.046). In contrast to young groups, exercise could increase the cross-sectional area in the aged exercise group compared with the aged control group, but it was not significant (p=0.069). It seems that HIIT could improve ageing-induced muscular atrophy, although denervation-involved gene modification leads to an increase in the muscular cross-sectional area; therefore, it improves muscular atrophy due to ageing.



肌肉去神经支配是衰老导致肌肉萎缩的最关键病理因素之一。这项研究旨在调查高强度间歇训练(HIIT)对横截面积和肌肉神经支配基因的慢性影响,这在老年大鼠的muscle肌萎缩中得到了解释。将28只成年和幼年大鼠分为四个不同的组,包括运动组和对照组。培训方案包括六个星期的HIIT。在最后一次训练后48小时处死动物,并去除plant肌。为了测量Gadd45a mRNA和NCAM1mRNA,我们使用了实时PCR技术。使用H&E技术通过光敏照相术来测量横截面积。结果显示,衰老显着降低了老年对照组的NCAM1 mRNA(p = 0。0001),运动会导致其显着增加(交互作用)(p = 0.003)。由于衰老,Gadd45a mRNA显着增加(p = 0.009),而运动导致老年运动组的Gadd45a mRNA显着降低(p = 0.04)。老年对照组的横截面积显着小于年轻对照组(p = 0.046)。与年轻组相比,运动可以使老年运动组的横截面积比老年对照组增加,但并不显着(p = 0.069)。HIIT似乎可以改善衰老引起的肌肉萎缩,尽管失神经相关基因修饰导致肌肉横截面积增加。因此,它可以改善因衰老引起的肌肉萎缩。由于衰老,Gadd45a mRNA显着增加(p = 0.009),运动导致老年运动组的Gadd45a mRNA显着降低(p = 0.04)。老年对照组的横截面积显着小于年轻对照组(p = 0.046)。与年轻组相比,运动可以使老年运动组的横截面积比老年对照组增加,但并不显着(p = 0.069)。HIIT似乎可以改善衰老引起的肌肉萎缩,尽管失神经相关基因修饰导致肌肉横截面积增加。因此,它可以改善因衰老引起的肌肉萎缩。由于衰老,Gadd45a mRNA显着增加(p = 0.009),而运动导致老年运动组的Gadd45a mRNA显着降低(p = 0.04)。老年对照组的横截面积显着小于年轻对照组(p = 0.046)。与年轻组相比,运动可以使老年运动组的横截面积比老年对照组增加,但并不显着(p = 0.069)。HIIT似乎可以改善衰老引起的肌肉萎缩,尽管失神经相关基因修饰导致肌肉横截面积增加。因此,它可以改善因衰老引起的肌肉萎缩。老年对照组的横截面积显着小于年轻对照组(p = 0.046)。与年轻组相比,运动可以使老年运动组的横截面积比老年对照组增加,但并不显着(p = 0.069)。HIIT似乎可以改善衰老引起的肌肉萎缩,尽管涉及神经支配的基因修饰导致肌肉横截面积增加。因此,它可以改善因衰老引起的肌肉萎缩。老年对照组的横截面积显着小于年轻对照组(p = 0.046)。与年轻组相比,运动可以使老年运动组的横截面积比老年对照组增加,但并不显着(p = 0.069)。HIIT似乎可以改善衰老引起的肌肉萎缩,尽管失神经相关基因修饰导致肌肉横截面积增加。因此,它可以改善因衰老引起的肌肉萎缩。HIIT似乎可以改善衰老引起的肌肉萎缩,尽管失神经相关基因修饰导致肌肉横截面积增加。因此,它可以改善因衰老引起的肌肉萎缩。HIIT似乎可以改善衰老引起的肌肉萎缩,尽管失神经相关基因修饰导致肌肉横截面积增加。因此,它可以改善因衰老引起的肌肉萎缩。