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Neuromuscular Adaptations after Blood Flow Restriction Training Combined with Nutritional Supplementation: A Preliminary Study
Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.26773/mjssm.190306
Ivan Chulvi-Medrano , , Moises Picon-Martinez , Miguel Garcia-Jaen , Juan Manuel Cortell-Tormo , Yasser Alakhdar , Gilberto Laurentino , , , , ,

Blood fl ow restriction training (BFRT) has been shown to be an eff ective alternative technique to conventional resistance training to increase skeletal muscle hypertrophy and strength. However, neuromuscular response to BFRT in combination with nutritional supplementation has rarely been studied. Th e purpose of this study was to investigate the eff ects of BFRT combined with creatine monohydrate (CrM) and/or hydroxymethyl butyrate (HMB) on skeletal muscle size and strength. Fift een healthy males were randomly divided into three groups: a) BFRT without supplementation (C-BFR); b) BFRT with CrM supplementation (0.3 g / kg-1) (CrM-BFR); and c) BFRT with CrM (0.3 g / kg-1) and HMB (3 g) supplementation (CrM + HMB-BFR). Participants performed elbow fl exion exercise (30% of maximal isometric voluntary contraction (MIVC)) at 30% of total occlusion pressure, twice a week, for three weeks. MIVC of the elbow fl exion and brachial biceps muscle thickness were assessed preand post-training. Th ere was no signifi cant group-by-time interaction for MIVC values (p>0.05). Biceps muscle thickness was signifi cantly increased from preto post-test in all groups (p<0.05). Th e C-BFR group obtained a greater value of eff ect size (d=2.2). Th ese fi ndings suggest that 3 weeks of CrM and HMB supplementation had no infl uence on BFRT-induced neuromuscular adaptations.



血流限制训练(BFRT)已被证明是传统抵抗训练增加骨骼肌肥大和力量的有效替代技术。然而,很少研究BFRT与营养补充相结合的神经肌肉反应。这项研究的目的是研究BFRT联合肌酸一水合物(CrM)和/或羟甲基丁酸(HMB)对骨骼肌大小和强度的影响。将十五名健康男性随机分为三组:a)不补充BFRT(C-BFR);b)含CrM的BFRT(0.3 g / kg-1)(CrM-BFR); c)含CrM(0.3 g / kg-1)和HMB(3 g)补充(CrM + HMB-BFR)的BFRT。参与者每周两次,在总咬合压力的30%时进行肘关节屈伸运动(最大等距自主收缩(MIVC)的30%),持续三周。训练前后评估肘关节的MIVC和肱二头肌的肌肉厚度。对于MIVC值,没有显着的逐时交互作用(p> 0.05)。所有组从测试前到测试后的二头肌肌肉厚度均显着增加(p <0.05)。C-BFR组获得了更大的效应值(d = 2.2)。这些发现表明,补充CrM和HMB 3周对BFRT诱导的神经肌肉适应没有影响。对于MIVC值,没有显着的逐时交互作用(p> 0.05)。所有组从测试前到测试后的二头肌肌肉厚度均显着增加(p <0.05)。C-BFR组获得了更大的效应值(d = 2.2)。这些发现表明,补充CrM和HMB 3周对BFRT诱导的神经肌肉适应没有影响。对于MIVC值,没有显着的逐时交互作用(p> 0.05)。所有组从测试前到测试后的二头肌肌肉厚度均显着增加(p <0.05)。C-BFR组获得了更大的效应值(d = 2.2)。这些发现表明,补充CrM和HMB 3周对BFRT诱导的神经肌肉适应没有影响。