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Working-hour Trends in the Nordic Countries: Convergence or Divergence?
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-21 , DOI: 10.18291/njwls.v9i3.116056
Aart-Jan Riekhoff , Oxana Krutova , Jouko Nätti

In this article, we investigate changes in usual working hours and part-time work in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden in recent decades. We analyze whether convergence or divergence occurred between countries, between men and women, and between men and women in each country. We use annual data from the European Labor Force Survey to identify trends between 1996 and 2016 (N = 730,133), while controlling for a set of structural factors. The findings suggest a degree of divergence between countries: usual working hours and the incidence of part-time work were relatively stable in Finland and Sweden, while working hours decreased in Denmark and Norway. The latter is partly driven by a decline among the 15–29 age group. The gender gap in working hours and part-time work was closed somewhat, in particular due to a rise in part-time work among men and a decline among women in Norway and Sweden.



在本文中,我们调查了近几十年来丹麦,芬兰,挪威和瑞典的日常工作时间和兼职工作的变化。我们分析了国家之间,男女之间以及每个国家的男女之间是否发生了趋同或分歧。我们使用欧洲劳动力调查的年度数据来确定1996年至2016年之间的趋势(N = 730,133),同时控制了一系列结构性因素。调查结果表明各国之间存在一定程度的分歧:芬兰和瑞典的正常工作时间和兼职工作的发生率相对稳定,而丹麦和挪威的工作时间减少了。后者的部分原因是15-29岁年龄组的人数下降。工作时间和兼职工作之间的性别差距有所缩小,