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Coherence and disparity in assessment literacies among higher education staff
London Review of Education ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-15 , DOI: 10.18546/lre.16.3.09
Mark S. Davies , Maddalena Taras

Assessment literacies are finding leverage, but there is little exploration of links between theory, practice and perceived understandings in higher education (HE). This article builds on and consolidates research that has taken place over ten years that evaluates assessment literacies among HE lecturers in education and science, and in staff developers, by presenting a comparative view of the data. The results indicate that there was generally a good understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of summative assessment across all groups. However, understandings of formative assessment showed little concordance between and within the groups, particularly among staff developers, but this group was better at clarifying the necessary link between formative assessment and feedback. Although education lecturers had a firmer grasp of central terminologies, in general there are still deficits in understanding about how these terms interrelate. Staff developers' relative weakness of understanding in some areas is of concern since this group shapes those who teach. These issues are exacerbated by a lack of acknowledgement that they exist, which may seriously hamper the development of both staff and students in clarifying processes they encounter daily. Basic shared understandings are required that can translate into personal, coherent assessment literacies. As a community we need to take on this task, because if we do not, as individuals, or individual groups, we will continue to have fragmented assessment literacies.



评估素养正在寻找影响力,但很少探索高等教育 (HE) 中理论、实践和感知理解之间的联系。本文以数据的比较视图为基础,并巩固了十多年来对教育和科学领域的高等教育讲师以及员工开发人员的评估素养进行评估的研究。结果表明,所有群体对总结性评估的理论和实践方面普遍有很好的理解。然而,对形成性评估的理解在各组之间和内部几乎没有一致性,特别是在开发人员之间,但该组更擅长阐明形成性评估和反馈之间的必要联系。尽管教育讲师对核心术语有了更牢固的掌握,但总的来说,在理解这些术语之间的相互关系方面仍然存在缺陷。教职员工在某些领域的理解力相对薄弱令人担忧,因为这个群体塑造了教学者。由于缺乏对它们存在的承认而加剧了这些问题,这可能会严重阻碍教职员工和学生在日常遇到的澄清过程中的发展。需要基本的共同理解,可以转化为个人的、连贯的评估素养。作为一个社区,我们需要承担这项任务,因为如果我们不这样做,作为个人或个体群体,我们将继续拥有碎片化的评估素养。教职员工在某些领域的理解力相对薄弱令人担忧,因为这个群体塑造了教学者。由于缺乏对它们存在的承认而加剧了这些问题,这可能会严重阻碍教职员工和学生在澄清他们日常遇到的过程中的发展。需要基本的共同理解,可以转化为个人的、连贯的评估素养。作为一个社区,我们需要承担这项任务,因为如果我们不这样做,作为个人或个体群体,我们将继续拥有碎片化的评估素养。教职员工在某些领域的理解力相对薄弱令人担忧,因为这个群体塑造了教学者。由于缺乏对它们存在的承认而加剧了这些问题,这可能会严重阻碍教职员工和学生在澄清他们日常遇到的过程中的发展。需要基本的共同理解,可以转化为个人的、连贯的评估素养。作为一个社区,我们需要承担这项任务,因为如果我们不这样做,作为个人或个体群体,我们将继续拥有碎片化的评估素养。这可能会严重阻碍教职员工和学生在日常遇到的澄清过程中的发展。需要基本的共同理解,可以转化为个人的、连贯的评估素养。作为一个社区,我们需要承担这项任务,因为如果我们不这样做,作为个人或个体群体,我们将继续拥有碎片化的评估素养。这可能会严重阻碍教职员工和学生在日常遇到的澄清过程中的发展。需要基本的共同理解,可以转化为个人的、连贯的评估素养。作为一个社区,我们需要承担这项任务,因为如果我们不这样做,作为个人或个体群体,我们将继续拥有碎片化的评估素养。