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Textual Mediation in Simulated Nursing Handoffs: Examining How Student Writing Coordinates Action
Journal of Writing Research Pub Date : 2019-06-01 , DOI: 10.17239/jowr-2019.11.01.03
L. Campbell

In clinical nursing simulations, a group of students provide care for a robotic patient during a structured scenario. As are is transferred from one group to another, they participate in a patient handoff, with outgoing students passing key information onto incoming students. In healthcare, the nursing handoff is a critical and perilous communication moment that is mediated by a range of participants and texts. Drawing on observations and video recordings of 52 simulation handoffs in the United States, this article examines how two student designed texts—a collaborative patient chart and individual notes—are leveraged during the handoff. I also consider how handoff talk and writing changes as student nursing knowledge increases over the course of a year. By focusing on textual mediation of the simulated nursing handoff, this article contributes to existing research on professional writing pedagogy and to nursing scholarship on the handoff. Ultimately, it argues that a textual mediation framework can help bridge classroom and professional contexts by evaluating student writing not for how successfully it meets a set of imposed criteria but for how effectively it supports classroom activities.


