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Coming Together in the So-Called Refugee Crisis
Anthropology in Action ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-01 , DOI: 10.3167/aia.2018.250304
Nasima Selim , Mustafa Abdalla , Lilas Alloulou , Mohamed Alaedden Halli , Seth M. Holmes , Maria Ibiß , Gabi Jaschke , Johanna Gonçalves Martín

Author(s): Selim, Nasima; Abdalla, Mustafa; Alloulou, Lilas; Halli, Mohamed Alaedden; Holmes, Seth M; Ibis, Maria; Jaschke, Gabi; Martin, Johanna Goncalves | Abstract: In 2015, Germany entered what would later become known as the ‘refugee crisis’. The Willkommenskultur (welcoming culture) trope gained political prominence and met with significant challenges. In this article, we focus on a series of encounters in Berlin, bringing together refugee newcomers, migrants, activists and anthropologists. As we thought and wrote together about shared experiences, we discovered the limitations of the normative assumptions of refugee work. One aim of this article is to destabilise terms such as refugee, refugee work, success and failure with our engagements in the aftermath of the ‘crisis’. Refugee work is not exclusively humanitarian aid directed towards the alleviation of suffering but includes being and doing together. Through productive failures and emergent lessons, the collaboration enhanced our understandings of social categories and the role of anthropology.



作者:Nasima塞利姆;穆斯塔法阿卜杜拉(Abdalla);里拉斯阿洛鲁;哈里,穆罕默德·阿拉登;霍姆斯(Seth M);玛丽亚宜必思酒店;加施(Jaabi)马丁·约翰娜·贡萨尔维斯| 摘要:2015年,德国进入了后来被称为“难民危机”的地区。“欢迎文化”(Welkommenskultur)(欢迎文化)这套乐器在政治上倍受关注,并面临重大挑战。在本文中,我们着重讨论柏林的一系列遭遇,将难民新移民,移民,活动家和人类学家聚集在一起。当我们思考并共同撰写关于共同经验的文章时,我们发现了难民工作的规范假设的局限性。本文的目的之一是随着我们在“危机”之后的参与破坏诸如难民,难民工作,成功与失败之类的术语。难民工作不仅是为减轻苦难而提供的人道主义援助,还包括存在和共同生活。通过生产性失败和紧急教训,这种合作增强了我们对社会类别和人类学作用的理解。