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Engaging Anthropology in an Ebola Outbreak: Case Studies from West Africa
Anthropology in Action ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-01 , DOI: 10.3167/aia.2017.240201
Emilie Venables , Umberto Pellecchia

The articles in this special issue demonstrate, through ethnographic fi eldwork and observations, how anthropologists and the methodological tools of their discipline became a means of understanding the Ebola outbreak in West Africa during 2014 and 2015. The examples, from Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, show how anthropologists were involved in the Ebola outbreak at diff erent points during the crisis and the contributions their work made. Discussing issues including health promotion, gender, quarantine and Ebola survivors, the authors show the diverse roles played by anthropologists and the diff erent ways in which they made use of the tools of their discipline. The case studies draw upon the ethical, methodological and logistical challenges of conducting fi eldwork during a crisis such as this one and off er refl ections upon the role of anthropology in this context.


