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The Value of Anthropology in Child Health Policy
Anthropology in Action ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-01 , DOI: 10.3167/aia.2018.250104
Julie Spray

Working at the nexus of medical anthropology and the anthropology of childhood, this article challenges three assumptions oft en embedded in child health policy: (1) children are the passive recipients of healthcare; (2) children’s knowledge of illness and their body can be assumed based on adult understandings; and (3) children’s healthcare can be isolated from their social relations. I explore these themes through the case study of a 2011 New Zealand government initiative to reduce the rates of rheumatic fever aff ecting low-income Māori and Pasifi ka children. Drawing on fi eldwork with around 80 children at an Auckland primary school, I show how the ‘sore throat’ programme does not merely treat streptococcus A infections, but plays an active role in constituting children’s experiences and understandings of their bodies and illness, and in shaping healthcare practices in ways unintended by policy-makers.


