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Communities of Practice at the Cidade do Saber: Plural Citizenship and Social Inclusion in Brazil
Anthropology in Action ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-06-01 , DOI: 10.3167/aia.2016.230204
Carla Guerrón Montero

I explore the relationships among state, culture and politics in the context of the largest educational project of social inclusion, local participation and citizenship in the Municipality of Camaçari, state of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. The City of Knowledge (Instituto Raimundo Pinheiro – Cidade do Saber), or CDS, offers free access to education, cultural events, and sports and leisure activities to economically disadvantaged children and adults, based on the concept of ‘plural citizenship’, the understanding that wider access to education, culture and sports shortens social distances and generates sustainable human development. Concepts of social inclusion, local participation, critical thinking and constructions of citizenship are applied, tested and contradicted on the ground. Sustainability is experienced as sustainable human development; sustainable urbanism; environmental sustainability and challenges to the sustainability of CDS, a community of practice where stakeholders are potentially producing a new way to understand what it means to be a modern Brazilian citizen.


Cidade do Sabre的实践社区:巴西的多元公民身份和社会融合

在巴西东北巴伊亚州卡马萨里市最大的社会融合,地方参与和公民意识教育项目的背景下,我探索了国家,文化和政治之间的关系。知识之城(Raimundo Pinheiro研究所– Cidade do Saber)或CDS根据“复数公民身份”的概念,为经济上处于弱势的儿童和成人免费提供教育,文化活动以及体育和休闲活动扩大获得教育,文化和体育的机会,缩短了社会距离,促进了人类的可持续发展。社会包容,本地参与,批判性思维和公民意识的构想在当地得到应用,检验和矛盾。可持续发展是人类可持续发展的经验;可持续的城市主义;环境可持续性和CDS可持续性面临的挑战,CDS是一个实践社区,利益相关者有可能以一种新的方式来理解成为现代巴西公民意味着什么。