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Application of Incremental Technologies in Considerations of Transhumanist Aesthetics – Project "Who nose"
Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-18 , DOI: 10.7559/citarj.v10i3.568
Marta Flisykowska

Transhumanist speculations have been present in intellectual circles since the 1960s. The term "transhumanism" was coined in 1957 by biologist Julian Huxley, who defined it as "man remaining man, but transcending himself by realizing new possibilities of and for his human nature". Will the boundaries of aesthetics remain untouched in face of new achievements, both in medicine and those coming from the need to explore space? In 2017, NASA published the results of the Human Research Program. The aim was to find out more about the impact of long stays in space on the hu-man body, like manned trips to Mars. The human body will have to face new physical conditions on the Red Planet, such as lower temperatures, a less dense atmosphere, significantly higher radiation and many more. The impact of such conditions is visible and highly variable also in other organisms, including mammals that have the best sense of smell. 3D printing technology is developing continuously and already today we are able to print an ear that can be used for transplants. If this is the case, does it have to look the same? Based on the research regarding the impact of climatic conditions on the shape of noses as well as state of the art regarding such areas as mountaineering, biomimetics, plastic surgery and taking into account mental factors, the article presents original nose designs, aesthetic speculations and interpreting the above visual and formal data.



自1960年代以来,超人主义的推测就出现在知识界。“超人类主义”一词是由生物学家朱利安·赫in黎(Julian Huxley)于1957年提出的,他将其定义为“人类尚存的人,但通过意识到其人性的新可能性并超越其自身而超越自身”。面对医学和其他需要探索空间的新成就,美学的界限会不会保持不变吗?2017年,NASA公布了人类研究计划的结果。目的是更多地了解长期停留在太空对人体的影响,例如载人前往火星。人体将不得不面对红色星球上的新物理条件,例如更低的温度,更低密度的大气,显着更高的辐射等等。这种状况的影响是可见的,并且在包括嗅觉最佳的哺乳动物等其他生物中也很明显。3D打印技术正在不断发展,今天,我们已经能够打印可用于移植的耳朵。如果是这样,看起来是否必须一样?在研究气候条件对鼻子形状的影响以及登山,仿生,整形外科等领域的最新技术并考虑到精神因素的基础上,本文提出了鼻子的原始设计,美学推测和解释以上视觉和形式数据。3D打印技术正在不断发展,今天,我们已经能够打印可用于移植的耳朵。如果是这样,看起来是否必须一样?在研究气候条件对鼻子形状的影响以及登山,仿生,整形外科等领域的最新技术并考虑到精神因素的基础上,本文提出了鼻子的原始设计,美学推测和解释以上视觉和形式数据。3D打印技术正在不断发展,今天,我们已经能够打印可用于移植的耳朵。如果是这样,看起来是否必须一样?在研究气候条件对鼻子形状的影响以及登山,仿生,整形外科等领域的最新技术并考虑到精神因素的基础上,本文提出了鼻子的原始设计,美学推测和解释以上视觉和形式数据。