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Avoid Setup: Insights and Implications of Generative Cinema
Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-02-22 , DOI: 10.7559/citarj.v9i1.202
Dejan Grba

The Editorial Board of the Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts (CITARJ) has decided to formally withdraw the article “Avoid Setup: Insights and Implications of Generative Cinema", by Dejan Grba. After investigation, we have concluded that this article is substantially similar to previous publications by the same author: - Grba, D. (2016). AVOID SETUP Insights and Implications of Generative Cinema. Retrieved from http://dejangrba.dyndns.org/lectures/en/2016-avoid-setup.pdf - Grba, D. (2016). Avoid Setup: Insights and Implications of Generative Cinema. In R. Bogdanovic (Ed.), Going Digital: Innovation in Art, Architecture, Science, and Technology - Conference Proceedings. Strand. - Grba, D. (2016). AVOID SETUP: INSIGHTS AND IMPLICATIONS OF GENERATIVE CINEMA. In C. Soddu & E. Colabella (Eds.), Generative Art 2016 - Proceedings of XIX Generative Art conference.



艺术科学与技术杂志(CITARJ)编辑委员会已决定正式撤回Dejan Grba撰写的文章“避免设置:生成电影的见解和含义”,经调查,我们得出的结论是,这篇文章实质上是与同一作者的先前出版物相似:-Grba,D.(2016)。避免设置生成电影的洞察力和含义。取自http://dejangrba.dyndns.org/lectures/en/2016-avoid-setup.pdf -Grba,D.(2016)。避免设置:生成电影的见解和启示,在R. Bogdanovic(Ed。)中,走向数字化:艺术,建筑,科学和技术的创新-会议论文集。Strand。-Grba, D.(2016)。避免设置:生成电影的见解和含义。在C. Soddu和E. Colabella(编辑)中,Generative Art 2016-XIX Generative Art会议论文集。