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Addressing diversity in science communication through citizen social science
Journal of Science Communication Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.22323/2.19040204
Lissette Lorenz

This article seeks to address the lack of sociocultural diversity in the field of science communication by broadening conceptions of citizen science to include citizen social science. Developing citizen social science as a concept and set of practices can increase the diversity of publics who engage in science communication endeavors if citizen social science explicitly aims at addressing social justice issues. First, I situate citizen social science within the histories of citizen science and participatory action research to demonstrate how the three approaches are compatible. Next, I outline the tenets of citizen social science as they are informed by citizen science and participatory action research goals. I then use these tenets as criteria to evaluate the extent to which my case study, a community-based research project called Rustbelt Theater, counts as a citizen social science project. Abstract



本文旨在通过将公民科学的概念扩展到包括公民社会科学来解决科学传播领域缺乏社会文化多样性的问题。如果公民社会科学明确地致力于解决社会正义问题,则将公民社会科学发展为一种概念和一套实践可以增加从事科学传播活动的公众的多样性。首先,我将公民社会科学放在公民科学和参与式行动研究的历史中,以证明这三种方法是兼容的。接下来,我概述了公民社会科学的宗旨,这些宗旨受到公民科学和参与式行动研究目标的启发。然后,我将这些原则用作评估案例研究的程度的标准,一个名为“ Rustbelt Theatre”的基于社区的研究项目,被视为公民社会科学项目。抽象