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Pseudoscience as media effect
Journal of Science Communication ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-04 , DOI: 10.22323/2.19020101
Alexandre Schiele

The popularity of the anti-vax movement in the United States and elsewhere is the cause of new lethal epidemics of diseases that are fully preventable by modern medicine [Benecke and DeYoung, 2019]. Creationism creeps into science classrooms with the aim of undermining the teaching of evolution through legal obligations or school boards’ decisions to present both sides of a debate largely foreign to the scientific community [Taylor, 2017]. And one simply has to turn on the TV and watch so-called science channels to be bombarded with aliens, ghosts, cryptids and miracles as though they are undisputable facts [Prothero, 2012]. Deprecated by its detractors, scientific proof is assimilated to become one opinion among others, if not a mere speculation. Worse, scientific data that challenge partisan positions or economic interests are dismissed as ‘junk science’ and their proponents as ‘shills’ [Oreskes and Conway, 2010]. By echoing such statements, some members of the media, often willing accomplices in conflating denial and scepticism, amplify manufactured controversies and cast growing doubt upon scientific credibility. Abstract



在美国和其他地方,反vax运动的流行是新的致死性疾病流行的原因,而现代医学可以完全预防这种疾病[Benecke and DeYoung,2019]。创世论进入科学教室,旨在通过法律义务或校务委员会做出的决定来进行辩论的双方,这些辩论在很大程度上是对科学界来说是陌生的[Taylor,2017]。一个人只需打开电视,然后观看所谓的科学频道,就可以将它们当作无可争辩的事实用外星人,幽灵,隐身和奇迹轰炸[Prothero,2012]。科学证据被其批评者所否决,即使不是单纯的推测,也被采纳为一种观点。更差,挑战党派立场或经济利益的科学数据被视为“垃圾科学”,而其拥护者则被视为“先令” [Oreskes and Conway,2010]。通过回应这样的言论,一些媒体成员常常愿意帮忙将否认和怀疑主义混为一谈,从而扩大了人为的争议,并使人们对科学信誉越来越怀疑。抽象