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Expertise and communicating about infectious disease: a case study of uncertainty and rejection of local knowledge in discourse of experts and decision makers
Journal of Science Communication Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.22323/2.19040201
Jennifer Manyweathers , Mel Taylor , Nancy Longnecker

Despite Australian horse owners being encouraged to vaccinate their horses against Hendra virus to reduce the risk of this potentially fatal virus to horses and humans, vaccine uptake has been slow. Discourse around the vaccine has been characterised by polarisation and dissenting voices. In this study we interviewed horse owners (N=15) and veterinarians (N=10), revealing how expert knowledge, disqualification of lay knowledge and inadequate handling of uncertainty impacted divisive discourse around Hendra virus. We assert that more inclusive, reflective and ultimately more effective risk communication practices will result if the legitimacy of diverse knowledge sources and the inevitability of uncertainty are acknowledged. Abstract



尽管鼓励澳大利亚马主为马匹接种抗亨德拉病毒的疫苗,以减少这种对马匹和人类致命的病毒的风险,但疫苗的吸收一直很慢。围绕疫苗的讨论具有两极分化和声音不同的特点。在这项研究中,我们采访了马主(N = 15)和兽医(N = 10),揭示了专家知识,非专业知识的取消资格和不确定性的不充分处理如何影响围绕Hendra病毒的分歧。我们断言,如果承认各种知识来源的合法性和不确定性的必然性,将会导致更具包容性,反思性并最终更有效的风险沟通实践。抽象